Personalized marketing copy can be a game changer—particularly for businesses providing individualized services like dental and healthcare along with brands that produce consumer goods. With personalized marketing copy, you can help set your business apart from your competition by making your customers feel appreciated and valued. Valuing your clientele can go a long way in today’s technology-forward commerce climate.  

Following are five helpful tips to get optimal results from your personalized marketing copy.  

5 Tips for Personalized Marketing Copy 

Keep Your Copy Casual and Relatable 

Using overly technical vernacular in your copy can confuse and even turn away potential customers. Whenever possible, it’s best to use casual and simple language that can highlight the benefits of your goods and/or services with minimal risk of confusion. While maintaining a simple, friendly tone is important, it’s wise to avoid being overly informal as it could come off as unprofessional. Our team recommends creating copy with short sentences, an informative tone, and personalized touches.  

Anticipate Your Customer’s Needs in Your Copy 

Every customer has specific wants and needs. When you draft marketing copy, understanding these needs is critical to creating messages that spurn interest in your goods and services. One way to demonstrate your understanding of your target consumer is to anticipate their needs in your copy and offer solutions to their problems. For example, let’s say you provide residential cleaning services. Your clients likely struggle with keeping a clean home due to time constraints from work and family life. Your copy should recognize your customer’s desire for a cleaner home while also offering a solution: a team of professional cleaners who can make a house spotless in a couple of hours. 

Abide by the Golden Rule 

It might not seem like the Golden Rule applies in business when the focus is on expansion and profits but treating your customers with empathy and respect can go a long way. When drafting marketing copy, ask yourself questions like “if I were in this consumer’s shoes, what type of communication would resonate with me?” With marketing copy, your mission is to make decision-making easier for your potential customer. Highlighting the unique advantages associated with purchasing from your brand is a great way to demonstrate to your consumers that you value their wants and needs.  

Consider Feedback from Surveys 

One way to connect with your customers is to conduct brand surveys and carefully evaluate the feedback. Understanding the wants and needs of your customer base helps foster long-term relationships with your business. Customers want to be understood and appreciated so implementing surveys and taking constructive criticism seriously shows your clientele that you make their satisfaction with your products and services a priority. The results of these surveys can help shape the tone and direction of your future content, which can help your brand build staying power.  

Leverage CRM Databases to Your Advantage 

CRM databases are valuable tools to help you produce content that resonates with your target consumers. You can use CRM technology to create detailed personas of the people who purchase from your brand as well as those who show interest in your business by interacting with your social media and website. CRM makes it possible to understand what messages drive customer interaction and their purchases. These reliable metrics can be used to make sure your personalized marketing copy strikes a chord with customers.  

Print and digital personalized marketing copy can make a world of difference in your messaging. Our team at Pel Hughes can help you develop personalized marketing campaigns through e-mail, direct mail, social media, and more. We also provide online databases to store approved brand messages, retargeting technology, variable data printing, and CRM software to help you create effective personalized marketing.  

Give our friendly experts a call today at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.  



In last week’s post, we discussed the benefits of CRM (customer relationship management) software for businesses and organizations. CRM provides helpful tools to marketers, sales professionals, and customer service representatives. Another great aspect of this software is that CRM integration with direct mail can help marketers deploy effective print advertising campaigns based on reliable metrics generated from CRM software.  

How CRM Integration with Direct Mail Works 

Integrating CRM with direct mail is a seamless way to measure response rates and analyze demographic traits of consumers. CRM software evaluates data related to print advertising very similar to how it analyzes data retrieved from digital campaigns. The most important aspect of integrating CRM to direct mail is to have full automation of your campaigns. For example, scheduled and triggered direct mail are great tools businesses can use to automate their campaigns. Scheduled direct mail campaigns can be automated to specific groups of existing and prospective consumers on a regular basis such as every month or quarter while triggered campaigns can be sent when consumers sign up for e-mail notifications or make their first purchase.  

For this to work optimally, it is important for businesses to store direct mail templates online. Our team at Pel Hughes offers, Storefront—a digital library that can store a wealth of your brand’s print materials including retail signage, postcards, and folded pamphlets. Direct mail templates can be generated for scheduled and triggered campaigns in a matter of seconds. By integrating CRM software, these campaigns can be personalized to specific consumers, too.  

Benefits of Direct Mail with CRM Integration 

Using CRM integration with your direct mail campaigns offers unique advantages to businesses of all sizes, including small retailers and non-profit organizations. Most notable benefits associated with CRM integration involve: 

  • Efficiency: Since CRM integration automates direct mail campaigns, business owners can enjoy reduced labor costs and time associated with marketing and advertising projects. For instance, automation and pre-designed templates save ample time normally spent on uploading mailing lists and designing campaigns.  
  • Cost Effectiveness: In addition to organizing accurate data to boost a direct mail campaign’s ROI, CRM integration offers other cost-saving benefits, too. CRM integration can substantially reduce duplicate mailings and returned mailings.  
  • Boosted revenue: Deploying effective direct mail campaigns will boost sales and expand your consumer base over time. This can generate robust sales and long-term relationships with loyal consumers.  
  • Accurate Performance Tracking: When you add PURLs, QR codes, and other tracking metrics to your direct mail campaigns, CRM integration makes it easier to evaluate your marketing efforts with reliable data. This data can then be used to ensure that future campaigns deliver similar ROIs.  

How Pel Hughes Can Help 

Pel Hughes pairs old-fashioned client service with advanced tools and technology to ensure that our clients get the most out of their print and digital advertising campaigns. We offer database services, online portals for easy ordering, and sophisticated printing technology for maximum personalization. Our team of experts can help you develop a cross media marketing strategy that helps your business thrive. If you have questions about CRM integration and direct mail or would like to request a quote, give our friendly team a call at (504) 486-8646. We serve businesses and organizations throughout Louisiana and beyond.  

CRM or “customer relationship management” is a hot concept in marketing and advertising. While CRM utilizes advanced software, it is more accessible to small businesses and organizations than you might think. CRM marketing can efficiently streamline your digital and print advertising, reduce labor costs, and help maintain relationships with your existing and prospective customers.  

Chances are, your business is utilizing some form of CRM marketing if you produce automated e-mail blasts and newsletters. There are abundant options in the software world for businesses of all sizes across many industries. Popular CRM marketing software you may have heard of includes Zoho, Salesforce, Zendesk, and Hubspot.  

What can CRM marketing software do for my business? 

CRM marketing software is essentially a way to organize important information to enhance advertising efforts, customer service interactions, and sales. Great examples of how CRM can help your business include: 

  • Organize data for marketers to personalize campaigns including e-mail and direct mail marketing. 
  • Provide sales representatives with relevant data on purchase history during customer interactions. 
  • Assist customer service professionals with customer history related to purchases.  
  • Compile demographic data to glean the effectiveness of past marketing campaigns. 
  • Help strengthen brand messaging based on sales performance, particularly when tied to purchasing activity of specific demographics. 

Although CRM software is heavily used in marketing, this technology can provide effective support across many departments including customer service, sales, and the development of upcoming products or services.  

How can CRM software improve marketing? 

One of the biggest challenges marketers face is replicating results of successful marketing campaigns. Determining what messaging works, which customers resonate with specific campaigns, and how to ensure messaging reaches targeted consumers is a daunting task. Fortunately, CRM software organizing your data can make a world of difference.  

Organizing and analyzing data is a powerful tool for marketers. CRM software can provide data on interactions likes clicks and views on digital platforms as well as response rates on direct mail campaigns. This data can also reveal what types of messaging resonates with particular demographics along with insight on where your marketing campaigns fall short. Evaluating CRM data makes it possible to recreate successful marketing campaigns and discard tactics that don’t have a quantifiable impact.  

CRM Makes Personalized Marketing Easier for Small Businesses 

While it’s certainly true that the titans of industry are utilizing CRM for personalized messaging to consumers, small businesses can benefit from this technology, too. CRM can make sending targeted digital and direct mail to specific groups of existing and prospective consumers easy and efficient.  

The marketing experts at Pel Hughes can help. In addition to print advertising like direct mail, we offer database services, campaign automation, and an online portal for clients called “Storefront”. If you’d like to take your print and digital marketing to the next level, give our friendly team a call at (504) 486-8646. We serve businesses and organizations of all sizes throughout Louisiana and beyond.  

Pel Hughes is thrilled to announce a new service for 2022: direct mail retargeting. This program allows business owners to send direct mail to their website visitors. Using sophisticated technology that is focused on consumer privacy, direct mail retargeting makes it possible to reach out to consumers who show intent to purchase with their online activity. Direct mail is an effective form of advertising and should be a part of every business’ omnichannel marketing efforts.  

How Direct Mail Retargeting Works 

Direct mail retargeting works by inserting a unique code onto each page of your enterprise’s website. This code captures IP addresses from your website’s visitors who demonstrate intent to purchase items or services. Then, these IP addresses are matched to mailing addresses. This data is then used to send out direct mail campaigns to a physical address.  

Our direct mail retargeting program is consumer-privacy forward. The program’s “double-blind” system never combines personal information with browsing data to be bought and sold to third parties. Website visitors’ information is protected with this system so that they are only contacted by your business if they show interest in your services or products by viewing specific products or adding items to a digital shopping cart. With Pel Hughes’ direct mail retargeting, a direct mail campaign can be generated within 24 hours of an interested consumer’s visit to your website.  

Why Website Visitors Should Be Retargeted 

Retargeting your website’s visitors can boost your sales if done in the right way. Digital advertising and marketing are certainly crucial components of doing business in the 21st century but digital alone is not enough.  

Capturing the attention of digital consumers is difficult. Not only are most tech-savvy consumers using pop-up and ad blockers, many are simply overwhelmed with information on a daily basis. This fatigue modern people experience can make it difficult to ensure that your messaging is reaching them. Moreover, your business is likely competing against countless others for their attention in digital spaces. One way to get a leg up on your competition and break through the fatigue associated with information overload is to reach your potential customer beyond the digital realm. Sending direct mail to their home after they have shown interest in your brand can help incentivize purchases that boost your revenue.  

Benefits of Adding Direct Mail Campaigns to Your Advertising Repertoire 

Utilizing direct mail makes great sense when you evaluate the performance of this advertising method. You might be surprised to learn that direct mail sees much higher response rates than digital advertising. In fact, response rates to direct mail are 10-30% higher than digital.  

Sending direct mail resonates with consumers of all demographics, too. You might think direct mail should be reserved for older consumers who don’t use the web as much as younger folks but this notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Direct mail is a hit with Millennials and Gen Z; about 95% of 18-25 respond positively to receiving direct mail.  

If you’re looking to develop robust omnichannel marketing, we encourage you to look into direct mail retargeting. Our experts can help you blend advanced technology, data management, and sleek graphic design to develop direct mail retargeting campaigns that win over potential customers. Give our team a call at (504) 486-8646 to learn more.  

Creativity can make all the difference in a direct mail campaign. In fact, creative direct mail can make choosing your business over your competition a reality. If you’re feeling stuck with where to start, consider the following direct mail examples, some from well-known titans of industry, to help spark some inspiration.  

Netflix Sends an Evidence File 

Source: Mailshop  

To promote its award-winning series about drug lord, Pablo Escobar, Netflix sent direct mail containing a mock evidence file to entice viewership. This campaign was lauded by consumers and advertising experts alike for its creativity.  

Use Die Cutting for a Creative Direct Mail Campaign 

Source: Postary 

This campaign from Bite, a burger joint in Florida creatively used die cutting to their advantage. Die cutting is a printing technique where a metal die is used to make unique borders and other elements. In this case, die cutting made it possible to resemble a “bite” being taken out of its mailer.  

Implement Variable Data Printing to Convey Convenience 

Source: Postary 

With variable data printing, this campaign printed custom maps on each envelope to provide a visual aid for its recipients. This tactic is great for brick-and-mortar businesses like boutiques, dental practices, and other small businesses operating from a static location. Sometimes, showcasing your convenient location is all you need to win over a consumer.  

Target New Movers Through Direct Mail 

Source: Who’s Mailing What 

New movers make excellent customers. The first business of its kind to reach a new mover yields loyal customers. Using a direct mail campaign to target new residents is an effective way to grow your business. Be sure to include enticing incentives like discounts and bundles. Targeting new movers is great for retail stores, restaurants, and healthcare-related businesses.  

Include Coupons 

Source: The Krazy Coupon Lady 

Perhaps one of the most well-known campaigns to utilize coupons is Bed, Bath, & Beyond. You’ve probably received one of these coupons at some point in your life. Including coupons in your direct mail can bring customers to your doorstep. Marketing research shows that it’s hard to pass up a coupon; in fact, including coupons makes a consumer 50% more likely to shop with your business.  

Use Unique Shapes to Entice Patrons 

Source: Postary 

Most mail comes in rectangular form. When you step outside this common shape, you can grab your customer’s attention. This creative direct mail campaign, like the example from “Bite” above, utilizes die cutting to form the shape of a pizza. The high-resolution image makes this “slice of pizza” from Papa Johns even more tantalizing.  

Our team of printing pros at Pel Hughes can make your creative direct mail visions a reality. We utilize sophisticated technology and advanced printing techniques like die cutting and variable data printing to boost the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns. Our family-owned enterprise also offers campaign automationdatabase management, and graphic design. If you’re looking to take your print advertising to the next level, give our experts a call at (504) 486-8646. 

The foundation of any print advertising campaign is its mailing list. Developing a great mailing list takes time and for some, its growth can stagnate. Increasing the size of your mailing list isn’t impossible, however. There are simple tools you can use to reach a much bigger audience. Our pros at Pel Hughes have compiled a few great tips to get you started. 

Use EDDM to Build a Mailing List

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a helpful resource for businesses of all sizes but it’s particularly useful for new service-based operations. This resource is offered by the US Post Service and can help you expand your reach in targeted neighborhoods. EDDM is relatively affordable, user-friendly, and efficient. As people respond to your campaigns, you can begin adding more names and addresses to your mailing list. 

Seek Out Attendee Lists from Trade Shows

Attending trade shows is a wise investment for many businesses but it can also be a great source of potential recipients on your mailing list. Many trade shows have accessible attendee lists to help you curate valuable mailing recipients—especially if your business serves other enterprises within a particular industry. 

Purchase Mailing Lists from Specialty Magazines

Like trade shows, specialty magazines serve very specific demographics and industries. Some trade magazines, for example, will sell their mailing list. These mailing lists can help your business develop a database of high-value prospects. 

Use Content Marketing to Your Advantage

If your business is engaging in content marketing, you have a great path to increasing the size and quality of your mailing list. Registration forms, which provide access to private content like blogs or digital newsletters can contain more than just names and e-mail addresses; they can also ask for mailing addresses and phone numbers. This information can help you build a quality mailing list over time. 

Buy a Cloned Mailing List

A cloned mailing list is a great resource for those relying on direct mail marketing to boost sales. A cloned mailing list involves compiling the demographic data associated with your best customers and then purchasing an index that reflects this data. Cloned mailing lists can make it easier to reach audiences of folks who are most likely to engage with your brand. 

Database Services from Pel Hughes

Once you have your mailing list, it is important to maintain it. Pel Hughes offers database management services to keep your mailing list in tip-top shape. We utilize advanced processing technology to ensure that your mailing lists are prioritized and up-to-date with duplicate elimination, address resolution, and data suppression. Our database offerings also include list acquisition through national consumer databases along with sophisticated modeling and analytics. 

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise serving businesses and organizations in a number of sectors. We offer advanced printing technology, campaign automation, branded promotional products, and omnichannel marketing to give our clients a competitive edge. If you have questions about our services, click here to fill out a contact form or call (504) 486-8646

Did you know that over 11 million households in the United States scan QR codes at least once a year? Now that most smartphones have built-in technology to read QR codes, more businesses are implementing these codes into their marketing strategy—particularly if a business engages in omnichannel marketing. A QR code is a great method to merge in-person advertising with digital marketing. Following are five ways you can capitalize on marketing with QR codes. 

#1 Include QR Codes on Your Direct Mail

Direct mail—whether it’s a promotional offer or a postcard announcing a grand opening—is a great place to implement QR code marketing. Placing a QR code in the corner of a mailed piece is great for driving traffic to your website or your social media channels. Driving consumers to your digital properties helps establish brand recognition and promotes frequent engagement with your client base. 

#2 Use QR Codes to Promote a Sale or Coupon

Placing a QR code on signage in your store, on your website, and on social media posts with links to promotional sales and coupons can help you boost sales and move inventory. Deals with buy-one-get-one offers are wonderful ways to unload stagnant inventory, too. 

Pro Tip: Offer promotions, coupons, and discounts after a consumer has filled out a contact form that includes their e-mail. This can help you build up your database for future marketing campaigns. 

#3 Generate a QR Code to Make a Restaurant Menu

QR codes can route customers to digital menus. This is especially beneficial for those phoning in orders for take-out or delivery or for those ordering from food trucks. Many restaurants have adopted QR codes for their menus because it is contactless. Living through a pandemic has made people hypervigilant of what they make contact with and justifiably so. 

#4 Add QR Codes to Packaging to Encourage Repeat Purchases

If you run a business that sells consumer goods, particularly items that involve repeat purchases like skincare creams or vitamins, you could benefit from having QR codes printed on packaging. These custom QR codes can encourage repeat purchases by generating the same product and quantity into a digital shopping cart. This practice makes it easy for your customers to order the same thing on a residual basis with very little effort. 

#5 Use QR Codes to Encourage App Downloads

QR codes can generate more than links to social media and websites. They can be used to route consumers or clients directly to the iTunes or Google Play store where your business’ app can be downloaded. Marketing with QR codes in this way is especially beneficial for service-based businesses or those in the retail industry. 

Marketing with QR codes doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s best to implement QR codes in instances where this technology makes your clients’ or customers’ lives easier. 

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise that offers full-service printing to business throughout the US. We provide support for database management, campaign automation, direct mail, and graphic design. Fill out our contact form on our website or call (504) 486-8646 to request a quote. 

The right combination of words can motivate and spurn action. Developing copy that generates action from consumers involves understanding consumer psychology. Building trust with your reader, generating an urge to purchase, and developing a brand identity with the public is no simple task. Fortunately, tapping into the powerful psychology behind effective copywriting is doable when you understand a few basic concepts.

Punch Up Your Copywriting with “Sensory Words”

Words that evoke the senses strongly influence purchasing decisions. For instance, if you’re selling a fluffy throw blanket describing the item as “warm” and “cozy” activates the sensory areas of the brain even though the customer may not be able to handle the product in person. Sensory words are especially beneficial when composing copy for direct mail, catalogues, and online shopping platforms.

Create a Sense of Scarcity and Urgency

“FOMO” or “the fear of missing out” has a powerful effect on consumers. Creating a sense of urgency or scarcity can encourage your customers to act in a powerful way. Amazon creates a sense of scarcity on their website when they detail how many quantities of a product are remaining. It turns out that copy stating “only 8 left” has an undeniably moving effect on buyers. 

Other ways that you can generate a sense of urgency through copywriting include:

  • Limited-time offers such as coupons that expire at the end of the month. 
  • Time-sensitive incentives such as “order in the next 10 minutes and receive a 10% discount”.
  • Real-time sales information. This type of information can update visitors to your website about recent purchases from other customers or their reviews. These updates appear as customers browse specific products. 

Consider Implementing the “Focusing Effect”

The “focusing effect” taps into how the human mind works and what types of information influence our decisions and actions. Taking into consideration that the order in which information is presented can have a strong effect on consumers’ decisions.

 For instance, the “focusing effect” can be used just before your call to action. You’ve probably seen this countless times as it is quite popular among companies that advertise their social responsibility initiatives. Let’s say an eco-friendly enterprise sells metal straws. If they want to deploy the “focus effect”, their copy may state something about how much plastic waste can be reduced with reusable straws just before their copy’s call to action. Using this copywriting tactic is especially effective when the information you present as a focus provides an ethical or moral benefit to society. 

Tap into the Power of Cognitive Fluency

Cognitive fluency refers to our ability to filter messaging and glean understanding from it. Humans have a bias to perceive information as more truthful when the messaging is concise, simple, and familiar. Using overly effusive language and cumbersome sentence structure is more than just difficult to read; it is off-putting. Engaging consumers in simple, to-the-point language is far more effective than flowy, over-the-top copy. 

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise that provides invaluable support to businesses of all sizes. With in-house printing and fulfillment, our team delivers effective direct mail, print advertising, promotional products, signage, banners, brochures, and business cards. Give our friendly experts a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote for your next print marketing campaign. 

Are you considering using brochures for your business? This powerful marketing tool can make a world of difference in establishing trust with potential clients and boosting your sales. Brochures are also great for enhancing your digital marketing efforts. In fact, they can help drive potential customers to your website and social media.

The printing pros at Pel Hughes can help you develop stunning brochure campaigns. Our team has helped businesses in a variety of industries with print advertising and direct mail. If you’re looking into whether brochures can benefit you, consider the following.

#1 Budget-Friendly

Brochures are one of the most cost-effective forms of print advertising. This is because you can scale your campaign to meet your budget. Brochures can also be used in a number of ways such as leaving them on door steps to handing them out at conventions and networking events. The versatility of brochures helps make them a powerful, all-around sales tool at a lower cost than other forms of advertising. 

#2 Easy to Distribute

 One of the most compelling benefits of utilizing brochures is how easy it is to distribute them. A brochure can be left in community centers, other businesses, or passed out at events and meetings. They can also be delivered to consumers through the mail. 

#3 Boost Professionalism and Trust

well-executed brochure can demonstrate your level of professionalism. It can also help you develop trust with potential clients or customers. These tools can help sell a service or product with ease because businesses can incorporate before and after photos, persuasive copy, and testimonials. 

#4 Enhance Sales 

Brochures enhance sales by providing a visual elevator pitch to your potential customers or clients. This can be especially helpful in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As more business is conducted remotely or at a distance, handing out a brochure is a safer way to interact with your target demographic and helps keep people at ease.  

#5 Provide Information in a Digestible Format

A brochure can contain a wealth of information that assists your target customer with making informed decisions. The best part about this is that this information can be presented in a memorable, digestible way that is quick and easy to read. Too much information can be a bad thing, though, so be sure to use short sentences, bulleted lists, and plenty of whitespace to offset blocks of visuals and text for maximum readability. 

Executing a great brochure involves careful planning, great copy, and stellar graphic design. Working with professionals can help ensure that your brochure resonates with your clients or customers. Pel Hughes offers in-house printing, graphic design, and a host of other services to help you take your print advertising to the next level. Give us a call today at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote. 

Every Door Direct Mail is a program offered by the USPS. This program makes sending out direct mail incredibly easy and quite cost-effective. If you’re new to hearing about this program, you may be shocked to learn just how much Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) can help your enterprise thrive.

How Every Door Direct Mail Works

EDDM is a user-friendly program that makes it possible to develop direct mail campaigns targeting specific locations. By aggregating data from the Census Bureau, EDDM helps businesses of all sizes send out cost-effective campaigns. The program offers different options and rates depending on the volume of mail you’re sending and the type of parcel you intend to mail. For instance, a new health food store or grocer can benefit from using EDDM to mail circulars while a chiropractor can celebrate the grand opening of his or her practice with mailed postcards. Service-based and retail-forward businesses have developed successful campaigns by utilizing EDDM. 

Following are five things you need to know about Every Door Direct Mail. 

#1 Send Campaigns Without a Mailing List

Curating mailing lists and/or purchasing them can be time-consuming and costly. Every Door Direct Mail makes it possible to target specific neighborhoods without a mailing list. This feature is ideal for new businesses or for those who do not have the technological infrastructure or staff to develop and manage mailing lists. 

#2 Reduced Costs

EDDM offers discounted rates for mailing campaigns, which can translate to big savings when you deploy a large campaign. Since mailers have options for targeting specific locations, costs can be saved because your campaign can be mailed to very specific areas. Lastly, when compared to other forms of advertising like radio or television, direct mail is substantially more affordable. 

#3 Every Door Direct Mail is User-Friendly

The online interface operated by the USPS for the EDDM program is very user-friendly. For instance, the EDDM program offers a simple tool to help you select the geographic locations where you want to send mail. Once your print collateral is ready, simply take your mailings to your local post office and the USPS will handle the rest. 

#4 Customizable for a Variety of Mailings

EDDM offers different mailing sizes that can accommodate various types of direct mail. This makes sending menus, brochures, postcards, and letters a breeze. Since you can customize the mailer size for your needs, you can ensure that your direct mail campaign resonates with potential customers. 

#5 No Costs Associated with Postal Limits

Postal limits can get expensive because once you hit a specific threshold, you will need to purchase a postal permit. With EDDM, there are no postal limits, which eliminates the costs associated with purchasing permits. 

The experts at Pel Hughes have helped countless businesses and institutions develop compelling direct mail campaigns. If you have questions about direct mailprint advertising, or EDDM, give our office a call at (504) 486-8646 to speak with a knowledgeable member of our team. We offer a suite of print solutions to suit the needs of businesses in various industries.