Are you thinking of transitioning to direct mail for your business, non-profit organization, or educational institution? According to Forbes, many other news sources, and consumer data, direct mail is in the midst of a revival that most businesses and organizations can capitalize on.
Direct mail is a wonderful tool for consumer, donor, and student outreach. More large brands and organizations are transitioning to direct mail for their most important communication because it resonates with all demographics, provides a more personal connection to recipients, and produces higher ROIs and engagement than digital advertising alone.
Tips for Transitioning to Direct Mail
#1 Consult with a Respected Printing Company
Marketing budgets may be tight, but it is important to resist the urge to DIY your first direct mail campaign. Producing effective direct mail takes experience as there are many variables that contribute to a well-received campaign including stock selection, graphic design, the marketing copy itself, and several other factors. Online-only printers are often not a great option either. These businesses rely heavily on templates, which may lead to issues with photographs and copy looking sloppy and unprofessional.
At best, the DIY or online-only approach can be underwhelming and forgettable to consumers. At worst, this approach could turn away customers altogether.
#2 Start with a Small Campaign
If you’ve never sent a direct mail campaign before, it’s best to start with a small sample of recipients to test the waters. We recommend sending a small campaign to your most longstanding customers/clients. A campaign that incentivizes a customer to make a purchase with your businesses is a great way to encourage engagement. Promotional offers, BOGO deals, and coupons on popular items are a great way to incentivize recipients. We encourage our clients to use QR codes, digital-only coupons, and PURLs (personalized URLs) to help track your campaign’s ROI. The metrics provided by these tools will make it easier to determine future approaches with upcoming direct mail campaigns.
#3 Personalize Your Direct Mail
Consumers crave a personalized experience. Personalization can mean a few things but at the very least, personalized direct mail should be addressed to a recipient by their full name instead of “current resident”, for example. With technology like variable data printing (VDP) personalization is attainable—even for first-time campaigns.
Personalization can go a step further, too thanks to technology like database management software and campaign automation. Mailers can be sent to celebrate a valued customer’s birthday or recipients can be divided into specific groups based on their purchase history or consumer data so that your campaigns recommend specific services or products most likely to meet their needs.
Pel Hughes can make transitioning to direct mail easy and accessible for your business or organization. We offer a suite of services to help make the most of your print campaigns including graphic design, campaign automation, and database management. We also provide cross media marketing and direct mail retargeting to help integrate your print and digital marketing. Call our team today at (504) 486-8646 to learn more.