Direct mail is powerful but improper execution of a direct mail campaign can produce disappointing results. While design and great copy has a lot to do with effective direct mail, quite a lot can go wrong with a campaign beyond the design process. As part four of our “Direct Mail Appreciation” blog series, the pros at Pel Hughes discuss common direct mail mistakes that happen outside of design and printing. 

The following top three direct mail mistakes listed below can be avoided with proper planning, accurate data, and advice from seasoned printing companies.  

Top 3 Direct Mail Mistakes 

Inadequate Planning 

Effective direct mail campaigns involve a significant amount of planning. Before you dive into making design and stock decisions, it’s important to take a measured approach to determining what you want/need from a direct mail campaign.  

Broad objectives such as “increase sales” or “boost donations” really isn’t a great starting point. Instead, define more narrow goals. For example, perhaps you have a consumer good that isn’t selling well with certain demographics. A direct mail campaign targeted to specific consumer groups with incentives to purchase a specific item could help you determine whether low sales of a particular item could be improved with targeted messaging.  

When you combine direct mail with robust cross media marketing, direct mail can be used to reach specific consumer groups, push particular goods and services, and drive recipients to your digital channels.  

The best direct mail campaigns involve proper planning with carefully selected objectives.  

Inaccurate or Poor Data 

You can have a great plan and beautifully designed direct mail campaign fall short with inaccurate data. When targeting specific demographics, having access to high quality data is a must. Relying on poor data typically yields unfavorable response rates, which wastes your already limited marketing budget.  

When it comes to quality data, it is important to work with an experienced full-service printer like Pel Hughes. Our team has access to consumer databases of the highest quality; we also utilize sophisticated software to analyze your data and ensure that your addresses and recipients are up to date.   

Postal Rule Violations 

Violating postal rules can cause excess surcharges or rejections from the USPS. In either case, violating postal regulations could cost a sizable chunk of change. For example, exceeding margins by a fraction of an inch or placing a return address in the wrong spot could translate to surcharges incurred on every mail piece you send.  

We strongly encourage our clients to carefully review the USPS’ regulations for direct mail and to pay special attention to mail classes, address placements, aspect ratios, and standard sizes. The USPS also offers Mailpiece Design Analysts who can review your mailers and provide valuable feedback on any regulatory issues.  

Don’t let common direct mail mistakes negatively affect your campaigns. Consulting with the friendly experts at Pel Hughes can ensure that you make the most of your marketing budget. We serve businesses in an array of industries along with higher education institutions and non-profit organizations. Give Pel Hughes a call at (504) 486-8646 to learn more about our direct mail services.  

Gen Z—or “Zoomers”—are comprised of people born after 1996. While plenty of Gen Z folks are still in high school or college, a significant portion of this generation have been in the workforce for several years. As the oldest of Zoomers are approaching their late 20s more data is coming in about consumer activity, worldview, and lifestyle and how this information relates to marketing to Gen Z. While there is still a lot to be learned about this upcoming generation, there does exist data to help marketers develop messaging that resonates with Zoomers.  

What we Know About Gen Z (So Far) 

Unlike Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers, Gen Z has lived their lives entirely in the Digital Age. The oldest of Zoomers have very limited memories of a time before continuous Internet access and smartphones. Marketers have coined the term “Digital Natives” to illustrate this fact.  

Prior to COVID-19, Gen Z was on track to inherit a more robust economy than their millennial predecessors. They are also on track to becoming the most educated generation in our nation’s history. Unfortunately, a global pandemic has caused serious concerns about the state of Gen Z’s future. Living through the pandemic on the cusp of adulthood has rooted anxiety and uncertainty among the Zoomer general consciousness as many Gen Zers were directly affected by job loss and economic instability in the wake of COVID-19.  

Despite economic challenges, younger people intend to pursue higher education and gravitate toward employment in IT, finance, and other white-collar professions. A significant portion of Gen Z were raised by parents with college education including graduate degrees. 

Zoomers are ethnically diverse and about 22% of Zoomers have at least one parent who was an immigrant. By 2025, roughly one-quarter of Gen Z will be immersed in the workforce and as of now, Zoomers account for $300 billion in purchasing power annually.  

 Tips for Marketing to Gen Z 

Some may believe that marketing to Gen Z is a solely digital initiative, but data suggests otherwise. While Gen Z is certainly attuned to digital messaging, they are far more receptive to print advertising than many think. Gen Z responds well to direct mail—particularly when mail is personalized and contains appealing messaging. Zoomers want to be acknowledged and treated with respect. Compared to previous generations, Gen Z typically isn’t as forgiving as other consumers. One bad experience will lead them to seeking out goods and services from your competitors. Earning Gen Z consumer loyalty boils down to providing excellent customer service, personalized messaging, socially responsible business practices, and superior products.  

Like Millennials, Gen Z craves authenticity and print advertising helps satisfy that need. Zoomers are acutely aware of their need to unplug from the digital world. Holding a tangible piece of mail is a great way to reach out to consumers at times when they are tired from tech. Even though this generation is comfortable with PCs, tablets, and smartphones, their preferred reading medium is print.  

When it comes to marketing to Gen Z with direct mail, consider the following strategies: 

  • Like millennials, Gen Z appreciates personalized messaging. 
  • Zoomers respond very favorably to testimonials and reviews. Younger folks trust the opinions and experiences of other consumers more than slick sales tactics.  
  • Add value with coupons, discounts, and BOGO offers. Gen Z is quite thrifty—likely because their formative years were influenced by the Great Recession.  
  • Promote a tactile experience through direct mail. As more people engage with the world in a digital way, our sense of touch is neglected more than other senses. Adding embellishments like raised varnishes and using high quality stock on direct mail helps nurture our need for touch.  

The pros at Pel Hughes can help you take your direct mail to the next level. In addition to full-service printing and graphic design, we provide access to campaign automation software, personalization tools, database services, and so much more. Give our helpful experts a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.  


Prairie View A&M University’s 2023 Homecoming Challenge was a resounding success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of PVAMU alumni and supporters. The campaign not only achieved its fundraising goals but also exemplified the power of community engagement and philanthropy in driving positive change. In this case study, we’ll delve into the key components and strategies that contributed to the triumph of the PVAMU 2023 Homecoming Challenge, with a particular focus on the outstanding performance of the College of Nursing.

Campaign Overview:

The PVAMU 2023 Homecoming Challenge was a comprehensive fundraising campaign that involved various elements designed to maximize engagement and contributions. The campaign featured a compelling Vision Board and Leaderboard Mockup, Homecoming Challenge Intro Email, and Social Media initiatives, creating a cohesive and visually appealing narrative for participants. Additionally, an Art Asset Folder ensured consistency in branding and messaging, reinforcing the campaign’s identity across different channels.

Data Management and Personalization:

A crucial aspect of the campaign’s success was the meticulous data management process. The team cleaned and validated data lists, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. The merging of data facilitated a seamless experience for participants, allowing for personalized communication. The integration of Personalized URLs (PURLs) added an extra layer of personalization, enhancing the connection between the university and its alumni.

Strategic Email Sequencing:

The campaign implemented a strategic email sequence, starting with the Homecoming Challenge Intro Email to generate initial interest. The Deans Variable Email and In the Lead Email maintained momentum, keeping participants informed and engaged. The Last Chance Email served as a final call to action, creating a sense of urgency. Complementary social media posts reinforced the messaging, reaching a wider audience and driving further participation.

College of Nursing Triumph:

The standout success of the College of Nursing within the Homecoming Challenge deserves special recognition. Alumni and supporters rallied together to raise an impressive $12,076, specifically benefiting Dean Allyssa Harris’s priorities, including Student Professional Development, Career Readiness, and Faculty Professional Development.

Gratitude and Future Engagement:

A Thank You and Winner Email marked the conclusion of the campaign, expressing sincere appreciation to all donors. The message encouraged ongoing support through monthly gifts, fostering a culture of sustained philanthropy. The broader impact of the $51,292 raised across various deans’ funds highlighted the collective effort of alumni in advancing the university’s mission.


The PVAMU 2023 Homecoming Challenge stands as a testament to the power of strategic planning, effective communication, and community engagement in fundraising success. The outstanding achievement of the College of Nursing exemplifies the profound impact alumni can have on their alma mater. As Prairie View A&M University looks ahead, the momentum generated by this campaign will undoubtedly fuel future initiatives and strengthen the university’s legacy of producing productive individuals.

If you’re interested in a campaign like this, please reach out to us at Pel Hughes today at or call 504.486.8646.

In automotive marketing, direct mail is your friend. Great automotive direct mail campaigns can boost sales, increase traffic to dealerships or service centers, and help your enterprise stay afloat in tougher economic times. If you’ve ever wondered how to make great automotive direct mail campaigns, the friendly printing pros at Pel Hughes have compiled some helpful tips.  

Automotive Direct Mail Tips & Tricks 

Great direct mail is professionally designed, offers significant incentives to purchase, and makes it easy for customers to take the next step in doing business with your operation. Following are some helpful tips to make your automotive direct mail more effective.  

Offer Incentives to Purchase 

A direct mail campaign that just lets locals know you exist isn’t enough. If you want to edge above your competition and make a connection with a potential customer, offering a great incentive is the best avenue for spurning consumer action. Promotional offers, discounts, and coupons should be a noticeable feature of your campaign. We recommend using larger fonts and striking borders to attract attention to your coupon, discount, or promotional offer.  

Take Advantage of Seasonal Needs 

Changing seasons can bring many folks into an auto dealership or service center. Summer, for example, is a great time to advertise with direct mail. Many people plan extensive road trips and need their cars serviced or replaced with something more reliable. Wintertime brings challenges, too as people need new tires or brakes for harsh weather. Keeping your company’s messaging in tune with the seasons can go a long way in winning over new customers or encouraging repeat business.  

Showcase Your Certifications and Endorsements 

Building trust is key with effective direct mail campaigns. Highlighting your mechanics’ training and certifications can help consumers feel secure with your service center. Announcing results of safety ratings from trustworthy third-party organizations on specific makes and models of vehicles also builds consumer trust.  

Send Targeted and Personalized Direct Mail 

Personalization and targeted direct mail make for substantially more effective campaigns. We offer tools like VDP (variable data printing) so that your mailings are addressed to the individual receiving them. We also have access to consumer databases that make it easy to send mailers to the demographics most likely to do business with your service center or dealership. Let’s say you operate a dealership that works primarily with families needing dependable sedans and minivans. Using consumer databases can help you send mail to households with children in specific neighborhoods near your dealership. Automotive businesses serving niche consumers like classic car enthusiasts can benefit greatly from targeted, personalized direct mail.  

Pel Hughes is a full-service printer based in New Orleans, Louisiana. We work with businesses and organizations in a diverse range of industries throughout the United States. Give our knowledgeable pros a call today at (504) 486-8646 to discuss your next automotive direct mail campaign.  


The experts at Pel Hughes were thrilled to contribute graphic design and non-profit marketing insight to Lincoln University’s recent fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday. Lincoln University is a premier liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. As the first historically Black institution to grant degrees, Lincoln University has earned a reputation for excellence since its founding in 1854. Like other higher education institutions, Lincoln University relies on fundraising to give current and prospective students access to life-changing opportunities. The school’s participation in Giving Tuesday—a global philanthropic initiative that occurs every Tuesday after Thanksgiving—was an inspiring success.

Fundraising and Non-Profit Marketing

Raising funds is the lifeblood of any non-profit organization. Every successful fundraiser involves announcing a campaign well before the funds trickle in. In the case of a university, alumni, staff, and community members benefit from ample notice. To accomplish this, the pros at Pel Hughes produced beautiful graphic design pieces for Lincoln U’s social media, website, and fundraising web pages.

Below are some examples of non-profit marketing images our team designed.

These types of images are perfect for e-mail campaigns, social media announcements, websites, and even direct mail pieces. In addition to professionally designed images, copy should concisely reflect the need for donations as well as simple instructions for how recipients can contribute. The entire process should be as easy as possible to incentivize donors.

Lincoln University’s Results

Pel Hughes is pleased to announce that Lincoln University’s Giving Tuesday fundraiser was a heartwarming display of generosity and charity. The university received over $24,000 in donations from 161 contributors in a 24-hour timeframe. One aspect of this fundraiser that was unique was that donors could select where their funds went such as specific programs, the library, clubs, or athletic teams.

Ring in the New Year with a Great Non-Profit Marketing Plan

With a new year upon us, now is a great time to evaluate (and improve) your non-profit marketing efforts—especially when it comes to announcing fundraisers and donor events. The pros at Pel Hughes can help. We offer a host of non-profit marketing services including graphic design, database services, direct mail campaigns, promotional products and apparel, and e-mail marketing. We also have helpful non-profit marketing resources on our blog to inspire you.

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise and full-service printing company. We pair cutting-edge technology with old fashioned, client-centered service. If you’re interested in boosting the visibility of your non-profit, give our helpful experts a call at (504) 486-8646.

Submitting files for print while exciting can feel daunting. Print, unlike digital advertising and marketing mediums, is a little less forgiving. While it is easy to make alterations and corrections to web pages and social media posts, a mistake with printing could make thousands of pieces of collateral unusable. Fortunately, the printing pros at Pel Hughes have your back. Consider the following tips before you finalize your latest print project.

4 Tips for Submitting Files for Print

#1 Proofread Your Materials Thoroughly 

Imagine that your business is about to launch a large direct mail campaign. One small mistake could cost your enterprise potential customers. Take this nightmare scenario, for example: Your direct mail campaign lists the wrong phone number. Just one misplaced numeral in a phone number could render your campaign ineffective when potential customers attempt to respond to your mailer.

Proofreading before submitting files for print is of the utmost importance. We recommend performing multiple rounds of proofreading at various stages of your campaign’s development. It’s also important to have more than one person proofreading because tiny errors—like an incorrect e-mail address or phone number—can easily go unnoticed.

#2 Ensure Your Print Files are Clean 

Before you submit a file for print, take a thorough look at all the objects within a file and its borders. “Unclean” files could affect the software printers use. You could also have unused graphics, icons, and text in your borders that weren’t properly deleted during the design process. Meticulous attention to detail can help prevent a host of problems during the printing process.

#3 Brush Up on Printing Vernacular 

The printing industry utilizes very specific vernacular. When communicating with your printer, be sure to do your best to use proper terminology and ask questions to ensure that you and your printing professional are on the same page. Our “Quick Guide to Understanding Printing Lingo” is a great place to start. Communication is highly important so that your print provider can fulfill your needs. For more tips on communicating with your printing company, check out this blog post.

#4 Know that File Size and Type Matters 

Whenever possible, print-ready PDFs are best for ensuring minimal issues during the printing process. We recommend discussing file size and type with your printer before sending finalized files to ensure that your campaign avoids time-consuming or costly hiccups. For example, your final file size should take bleeds into consideration. In the printing world, a “bleed” refers to your piece’s background extending past its borders to ensure that no unsightly breaks appear on your final printed piece.

Pel Hughes is a full-service printing company dedicated to delivering excellent client service. Our friendly experts are here to help you make the most of your print campaigns. For questions or to request a quote, give our team a call at (504) 486-8646.

More businesses—of all sizes and in various industries—utilize marketing portals to streamline brand messaging across multiple departments. A marketing portal can help your enterprise save time, labor, and money. The printing pros at Pel Hughes offer Storefront—an advanced yet easy-to-use portal that can make ordering print materials, managing brand messaging, and tracking costs easy and efficient. If you haven’t delved into the interdepartmental benefits of marketing portals yet, consider the following advantages.

Top 5 Interdepartmental Benefits of Marketing Portals

A marketing portal helps more than just marketing and advertising departments. These portals can improve the work environment and efficiency of numerous departments including accounting, sales, and human resources.

#1 Make Accounting and Billing Easier 

With our Storefront marketing portal, a company can create a number of user profiles with different permissions. For example, users can have limits set on how much collateral is ordered. Accounting departments can use marketing portals to track expenses related to ordering and printing, too. This helps ensure that companies can stay within their budgets while also giving accounting professionals reliable data for making budgetary recommendations in the future.

#2 Make Collateral Accessible to Traveling Sales Professionals 

Remote and traveling salespersons often need quick and easy access to approved corporate materials like catalogs and pamphlets. Having access to a marketing portal from anywhere can make preparing for seminars, presentations, sales calls, and tradeshows that much easier.

#3 Streamline Administrative Tasks 

Administrative personnel benefit from using a marketing portal, too. For instance, an administrative assistant can easily place orders for new business cards or in-office signage with a few mouse clicks. Or, companies can choose to allow employees to order these items for themselves rather than going through their administrative department.

#4 Store HR Materials in Marketing Portals 

A marketing portal can house more than just corporate-approved direct mail, posters, and sales tools. It can also store new employee welcome packages, personnel handbooks and codes of conduct, explanations of benefits, invites for company events, and much more. HR professionals love the efficiency of marketing portals for accessing their important documents.

#5 Lighten a Graphic Designer’s Workload 

Graphic designers are often overworked—particularly when it comes to producing custom corporate materials like business cards or location-specific marketing pieces for franchises and branches. One way to lighten this workload, however, is to use marketing portals. With a portal, a graphic designer can produce one piece of collateral that can later be customized by another employee. Take business cards, for example, a designer can produce one corporate-approved card that can be later customized with an employee’s name, phone number, and e-mail address.

Our mission at Pel Hughes is to pair world-class customer service with advanced technology so that our clients can run their businesses as productively as possible. In addition to offering our marketing portal, Storefront, we provide graphic design, in-house kitting and fulfillment, campaign automation, and database services. If you’re interested in learning more about marketing portals, give our friendly experts a call at (504) 486-8646.

An off-putting or improperly designed menu could turn away loyal customers. Menu design can be tricky because there are a number of important considerations to make such as font style and size, the placement of images, and overall layout. Whether you are a brand-new café or an established restaurant, the following menu design tips may help point you in the right direction.

6 Helpful Menu Design Tips

#1 Focus on Readability 

Overly complicated and busy menus can be a real drag for your valued customers—especially those who aren’t regulars at your restaurant. A readable menu is one that is intuitive so that customers can quickly find what they’re looking for. Blocking items into categories, like appetizers, salads, and sandwiches make for much easier ordering. Readability is also helpful for encouraging existing customers to try new items in the future.

Since readability is incredibly important, we recommend working with an experienced graphic designer. A graphic designer can help ensure that your layout, font style and size, and headings are on point for maximum readability and mass appeal.

#2 Ensure that Your Menu is Washable 

If you incorporate laminated or bound menus, it’s important to ensure that the materials used for your menus are washable between customers. Cafes and restaurants that offer outdoor dining should also design menus that are durable enough to handle some precipitation and wind. The printing pros at Pel Hughes can help you select the right materials for your business.

#3 Consider the Texture of Your Menu 

The way your menu feels matters. Using low quality, thin stock could turn off customers. Adding embellishments like raised varnish or foils can make a splash with patrons. The materials from which your menu is made can make a lasting impression on your customers because human beings’ sense of touch is quite powerful.

#4 Know that Accessibility Matters 

It might be tempting to use only QR codes for menus but this presents an accessibility problem. Differently-abled and mature patrons may find digital menus inaccessible, confusing, or cumbersome. While you can also use QR codes for menus, it’s wise to keep printed menus in stock so that you can properly accommodate as many people as possible.

#5 Send Menus in Direct Mail Campaigns 

If you offer take-out or delivery, sending menus via direct mail campaigns can help boost revenue. Pel Hughes makes direct mail campaigns remarkably easy. We offer online client portals, up-to-date consumer databases, and USPS Every Door Direct Mail to ensure that your direct mail campaigns are as effective as possible.

#6 Remember the Power of Persuasion 

Sadly, the power of persuasion is often overlooked when designing a menu. This is a faux-paus that could cost you customers, though. Most menu items—aside from common beverages like iced tea or soft drinks—deserve a compelling and tantalizing description. Moreover, the menu items that are most popular or creative should have enticing photos to accompany the copy on your menu. If you’re not a whiz with food photography, we encourage you to hire a professional. Similarly, consulting with a seasoned copywriter can help ensure that your menu descriptions pack an enticing punch.

If it’s time for a professional menu, Pel Hughes can help. Give our printing experts a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote. We offer full-service printing, graphic design, online ordering, and direct mail.

Gaining and retaining new hires can be a challenge across a multitude of industries. New employee welcome packages that contain branded apparel, useable items, and corporate materials can make a world of difference for remote and in-house workers alike. Making a great impression can help your new hire enjoy a more seamless transition with your company while also helping to set the tone for your unique corporate culture. Fortunately, the printing pros at Pel Hughes can help. We make ordering branded apparel along with developing printed materials a breeze.

What should new employee welcome packages include?

When it comes to branded apparel and other promotional products, businesses can take quite a bit of creative liberty with the products they select for new employee welcome packages. What you include is up to you; however, we recommend some, if not all, of the following popular products:

Like branded apparel, printed materials may vary for your businesses’ needs. Most companies include the following:

  • Employee handbooks and directories/organizational charts
  • An official code of conduct
  • Pamphlets or leaflets showcasing the company’s achievements and milestones along with a message from its president or CEO
  • A handbook discussing benefits like health insurance, PTO, and employee assistance programs
  • Helpful maps of worksites such as warehouses and office spaces
  • Direct deposit and tax forms
  • FAQs

What are the benefits of new hire welcome packages?

According to a survey conducted by PromoLeaf, 91% of new employees felt welcomed upon receiving new employee packages that contained branded apparel. Today’s employers are facing a competitive labor market with well-educated, tech-savvy workers. Compensation alone isn’t enough to attract and retain workers. Companies need to develop productive and welcoming corporate cultures to inch ahead of their competitors.

For businesses operating with a remote workforce, new employee welcome packages are more important than ever. While your new hire may never set foot in an in-person meeting, he or she needs to still feel as though they’re part of a team. Sending a welcome package through the mail is an effective way to help new hires feel valued and included.

How can Pel Hughes help?

If it’s time to develop a new hire package or update an outdated approach, our experts are here to help. Not only can we print all your corporate materials like handbooks and pamphlets, we offer an array of promotional products and branded apparel. Pel Hughes makes online ordering easy, too with our Storefront client portal. Within Storefront, you can place orders for corporate-approved materials with just a few mouse clicks. If you’re brand new to new employee welcome packages, we offer in-house graphic design to ensure that your printed items and branded apparel reflect the spirit of your business.

Pel Hughes is your one-stop shop for graphic design, promotional/branded apparel, and online ordering. We utilize state-of-the-art printing technology along with advanced software to make our clients’ lives easier. If you have questions about new employee welcome packages, direct mail marketing, and more, give our friendly experts a call at (504) 486-8646.

Medical and dental marketing can be tricky. Not only are there numerous regulations marketers must consider in their practice’s messaging, the abundance of marketing and advertising options can be overwhelming. If you’re looking for marketing tips for dentists and doctors, the experts at Pel Hughes have compiled some helpful pointers to get you started.  

Top Three Marketing Tips for Dentists & Doctors 

Social Media Matters in Medical and Dental Marketing 

Social media marketing isn’t just for consumer goods companies and titans of industry. Utilizing social media is a great tool for medical professionals as it can help attract new patients, retain existing ones, and provide patient education in a highly digestible manner. We recommend using a Facebook business page for your medical or dental practice along with LinkedIn. TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram are great places for professionals who prefer producing short videos, too. No matter which platform you choose, we highly encourage our clients to post to social media on a regular basis—at least two to three times a week for optimal results. 

Consider Implementing Blogs and E-mail Newsletters 

One of the best marketing tips for dentists and doctors is to leverage their professional expertise into a platform for educating their patients. Blogs and e-mail newsletters are the perfect destinations for general education on health matters as well as services your practice offers. For example, a blog is a great place to explain the causes and symptoms of periodontal disease along with providing helpful information on various treatment options.  

Blogs should always be shared to your social media channels and can also be repurposed into e-mail newsletters. E-mail newsletters are also beneficial for announcing news about your medical or dental practice. For example, the addition of new employees, particular specials like discounted teeth whitening, or announcements on changes to your hours or location make for great digital newsletter content.  

Launch Direct Mail Campaigns 

Direct mail campaigns are wonderful additions to your medical or dental marketing efforts. According to the USPS, direct mail is seen as one of the most trustworthy forms of advertising across numerous demographics. A direct mail campaign can be as simple as sending appointment reminders, birthday messages, and announcing new services, technology, or expanded hours to your local community. Not only can direct mail maintain beneficial contact with your existing patients, but it can also help you attract new ones. For instance, direct mail campaigns can be targeted to specific neighborhoods or new residents through the USPS’ Every Door Direct Mail tool.  

These marketing tips for dentists and doctors can help get you started in the right direction. Pel Hughes is a full-service printing company that offers cross media marketing including direct mail. We also provide advanced technology for campaign automation and database management. Call our friendly printing pros at (504) 486-8646 to learn more about our services.