Business cards are timeless marketing, branding, and networking tools—even in the Digital Age. If you’re wondering whether there are benefits of business cards or whether it’s worth your time to have them printed, read on to learn more about their advantages.  

Four Great Benefits of Business Cards 

#1 Business Cards Help Build Your Brand Image 

Business cards make for a great introduction to your brand when you first interact with a potential customer or meet people at conventions or trade shows. While business cards are a vital tool for branding, not all cards are created equal. It is important to work with a professional graphic designer and printer to develop a business card that stands out and represents your brand’s image without sacrificing professionalism.  

#2 A Business Card Lends Legitimacy to Your Business and Professionalism 

Some people may feel like their business or line of work doesn’t warrant the need for a business card. Unfortunately, this mindset could do damage to your potential sales and networking opportunities. Whether you’re a freelance copyeditor, a professional housecleaner, or manage a large brick-and-mortar store, a business card is a worthwhile investment in yourself and your enterprise. Business cards convey seriousness, professionalism, and a genuine desire to connect with others.  

#3 Relationship Building is Easier with Business Cards 

One of the best benefits of business cards is the psychological signal they send to their recipients. Handing a person your business card sends a strong message; you are intentionally expressing your desire to reconnect in the future. Furthermore, since your contact information is laid out, it makes reconnecting at a later date easier.  

#4 Business Cards Can Connect Your Online Presence with Your Physical One 

Today’s technology makes it easy to modernize a business card to make connecting digitally a seamless process. Not only can your e-mail address and a URL be printed on a business card, you can also add a QR code. A QR code can send recipients to your LinkedIn profile, a digital portfolio, or an introductory video.  

Reap the Benefits of Business Cards by Working with a Professional Printer 

Although a business card seems like a simple and straightforward piece of print, a DIY approach can be treacherous. It’s important to work with professional graphic designers and printers to ensure that your business card gives a positive first impression. Professional input will help you select the best stock, graphics, color schemes, and fonts that accurately represent your brand identity. There are also a number of striking embellishments such as raised varnish and spot UV that can help make your card stand out from the crowd.  

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise serving businesses, educational institutions, and non-profits throughout the United States. In addition to business cards, we provide direct mail, database services, graphic design, signage, and promotional apparel. Call us today at (504) 486-8646 or request a quote online.  

Although it’s booming, the HVAC industry is competitive. Fortunately, modern marketing solutions can help you boost HVAC sales easier than you might think. Our team at Pel Hughes recommends a blended approach through cross media marketing with an emphasis on personalization. Below is helpful information for using direct mail, personalization, and cross media marketing to boost HVAC sales.  

The HVAC Industry at a Glance 

About 110 million households in the United States have an HVAC system. As temperatures rise, more people require HVAC systems to keep their homes comfortable. Estimates indicate that only 14 million homes do not have HVAC systems. While there is room in the industry to market to those without HVAC, there is also room to boost HVAC sales by replacing old systems, upgrading them, or performing standard repairs and maintenance.  

Each year, people in the United States spend about $10 billion on HVAC maintenance/repair. Between two to three million HVAC units are replaced each year as well. Commercial businesses make up a hefty chunk of the HVAC industry’s market share including retailers, grocery stores, hospitals, office buildings, and more.  

When it comes to developing a marketing strategy to boost HVAC sales, it’s important to segment a business’ audience as the HVAC needs of residential buildings and commercial ones differ substantially.  

Personalization, Cross Media Marketing, and Direct Mail Help Boost HVAC Sales 

Personalization is one of the best ways to maintain a competitive advantage in today’s business climate. Personalized marketing is a customer-forward approach that individualizes brand interaction with a consumer. Examples of personalized marketing can include utilizing variable data printing (VDP) for direct mail, which addresses campaigns to a recipient’s legal name or sending helpful e-mail reminders addressed to individuals to change air filters or schedule service requests before summer approaches. 

Data-driven cross media marketing can do wonders to boost HVAC sales, too. Utilizing database services helps brands engage in predictive marketing based on consumer patterns. This allows businesses to send personalized messages in the timeliest manner possible, which will help increase sales conversions. Data-driven marketing works best when both digital and in-person outreach (cross media marketing) are used.  

Direct mail is a great avenue for making meaningful connections with consumers. Campaign automation and direct mail retargeting are great tools for making direct mail more compelling and effective. Automated campaigns help save money and time for businesses while keeping campaigns arriving to consumers at the right time. 

 Direct mail retargeting bridges online interactions with your brand with physical mail. For example, direct mail retargeting involves sending mail campaigns after a consumer makes contact with your brand online by signing up for an e-mail subscription, viewing products on an online catalog, or requests more information.  

Pel Hughes serves businesses and organizations in an array of industries including HVAC. From direct mail to cross media marketing, campaign automation, and database services, we offer a suite of services to help you market to consumers effectively. Visit our website or call (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.  

Saving money and time is the ultimate goal of any business. When it comes time to send your files off to your professional printing company, preparation is essential. By preparing for print, you can save time and money on your advertising campaigns and marketing materials. Pel Hughes has compiled a few tips to make this process easier for the businesses, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions we serve.  

Tips for Preparing for Print 

The world of print and its professional lexicon may seem mystical to people in other industries. Understanding the basics, learning common terminology, and preparing your files for print can make the process much easier (and less time consuming).  

Here are four tips to help make your print projects a little less frustrating.  

#1 Understand What Your Printer Needs to Get the Job Done 

Before campaigns are developed, it’s important to reach out to your printer via e-mail or a phone call. Understanding what your printer needs from your business or organization to produce the final product can make a world of difference. Oftentimes, reputable printers will offer checklists to their clients upon request.  

We recommend having one person from your organization handle communication with your printer. This can eliminate unnecessary e-mails and calls while also reducing the risks of confusion.  

#2 Select Color Palettes Compatible with Print 

Digital versions of your print projects operate with a different color palette than printers. Most digital color utilizes the RGB palette while printers rely on CMYK color palettes. This can lead to your digital images looking different from the final printed versions. When designing digital files, we recommend using Pantone colors as they are compatible with the color palettes used by printers. This ensures that the digital version matches the printed one.  

#3 Know When to Use Vector or Raster Images 

Most of the time, vector images are preferred for projects like direct mail campaigns, business cards, and signage. Vectors are easily scalable because these images rely on formulas rather than pixels. This means that a vector can be sized from direct mail to a billboard without affecting the integrity of the image. Vector files are small, too, which makes them easy to send.  

In some cases, raster images are preferred. These images are pixelated, which can be difficult to size. Raster images are sometimes used when real photographs are printed.  

We encourage discussing whether vectors or rasters are preferred for your specific project(s) with your printer early in the process. 

#4 Be Sure to Indicate Bleed 

“Bleed” is a term that refers the artwork extending beyond the edge of the print project. Indicating the bleed on your project ensures that graphics and selected colors extend to the edge. Without indicating bleed, you could have an unsightly border around your business card, direct mail piece, or signage.  

To help make the pre-press process easier for our clients, we provide a preparing for print checklist, which you can download by clicking here.  

Pel Hughes utilizes the latest printing technology and client-forward service to deliver stunning print campaigns for businesses, organizations, and educational institutions throughout the United States. Call us at (504) 486-8646 for questions or request a quote with our convenient online form.  

Do you want to take your direct mail to the next level? Make your mailers more compelling with interactive direct mail. Adding interactive elements to your campaigns will help increase engagement rates and set your brand apart from your competition. Read on to explore unique interactive direct mail ideas that may help make your campaigns more memorable for your customers.  

Four Interactive Direct Mail Tips 

A Ring Sizer 

From high-end jewelers to retailers catering to people on tighter budgets, adding a ring sizer to your mailers can help increase customer engagement. Ring sizers can easily be printed on card stock.  

This is also helpful for businesses catering to educational institutions and organizations that offer commemorative and members-only rings. A complimentary ring sizer is a must for catalog-based and online orders.  


Today’s consumer appreciates businesses that make an effort to understand their needs. Offering a short quiz in your mailers not only encourages a customer to interact with your brand, but it also helps them feel like they are making informed decisions. A simple “is x product right for you?” style quiz is typically received as honest and helpful by potential customers. 


Almost everyone finds a scratch-off irresistible. This type of interactive direct mail is a wonderful option for local cafes and restaurants, service-based businesses, boutiques, and auto dealerships. Scratch-offs are easy to print and complimentary gifts or discounts provided by scratch-offs improve sales conversion rates.  

Product Samples 

Small samples can easily be included in your interactive direct mail. Whether it’s a packet containing a sample for a skincare product (think: lotion, sunscreen, aftershave, or perfume) or a small swatch of a specific fabric or color for blankets, bedding, or wall paper, providing a complimentary sample conveys that your brand stands behind its product(s), shows dedication to providing a great customer experience, and helps unburden overwhelmed consumers.  

Did you know that sending interactive direct mail could get you a 5% discount with the USPS? It’s true; the USPS provides yearly promotions to businesses who add sensory, tactile, and interactive elements to their direct mail. You can learn more about these promotions, their stipulations, and deadlines by clicking here.  

Pel Hughes is your one-stop-shop for all things direct mail. We offer an array of services to help you develop compelling campaigns that resonate with consumers. In addition to providing state-of-the-art printing and fulfillment, we provide campaign automation, graphic design, database services, and so much more. Pel Hughes serves businesses, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions throughout the United States. Give our team a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.

This year, expect color and font trends in graphic design to command a wow factor. When it comes to print, embracing design trends can make your mailers and their accompanying digital pieces more effective and enticing to the consumer. For 2024, much is uncertain in the geopolitical and economic sense so expect to see art and design evoking feelings of nostalgia and hope. If anything, graphic design will shine in 2024 as it can help brands, businesses, and organizations with consumers in a soothing and humanistic way.

According to top creatives in the design world, graphics, fonts, and color schemes may take contrasting angles in their messaging. For example, some brands may choose to use freehand design over AI-generated images while other brands may focus on botanical aesthetics to offer a soothing escape from harsh realities permeating the collective consciousness. One thing that may not be much of a surprise is a continued reliance on nostalgia in brand messaging. While 2022 and 2023 focused on clean minimalism with nostalgic elements from the 1980s and 1990s, today’s nostalgic design will likely feature homages to the 1970s and early 2000s.

Following are color and font trends for 2024 that may help spark creativity for your next direct mail or digital campaign.

Color and Font Trends to Consider This Year

Sans Fonts Strike Back 

The Sans font family is making a comeback this year. Although Sans fell out of favor for several years, there is a revival in Sans-Serif fonts available to designers to keep things modern and quirky for brands. Sans fonts translate well to digital mediums but when newer Sans family fonts are selected, they look great on print, too. Working with Sans can be tricky, however, and it’s not the best choice for every brand or organization so it’s wise to collaborate with an experienced graphic designer.

Sidenote: if Sans is not your jam, Semi-Serif fonts are a great option for design because they contain traditional typeface elements with the jovial, modern appearance of Sans family fonts.

Bring on the Funky and Chunky Text

Evoking imagery from the 1970s Funk movement is a 2024 trend emphasizing rounded type. While this isn’t ideal for more serious products like home insurance or banking services, rounded, chunky type can be very appealing with consumer goods from beauty-, fashion-, home decor-based businesses.

Maximalism and Bold Colors 

Scandinavian-style minimalism is still working its way through many digital and print ads but maximalism—specifically with bolder colors (even neon)—is making a splash among top creatives in the Western Hemisphere. One newer specific trend has been dubbed “Cluttercore” and while it borrows heavily from Maximalism, it has a unique messy appearance with overlapping textures and images. When used correctly, “Cluttercore” design can be striking, impactful, and resonate with consumers—particularly younger people.

Botanical Hues  

Deep greens will likely be a popular color trend throughout 2024—specifically green hues one might see in jungle and forest settings. These colors have been popping up within a specific design trend called “Garden Cutouts”, which feature green shapes like leaves and flowers against bold backgrounds of yellow, orange, or pink.

The experts at Pel Hughes offer graphic design services in addition to direct mail, large print projects, binding and printing for books, and cross media marketing. Our team works to stay abreast of color and font trends to help your messaging embrace the latest aesthetics for optimal effectiveness. Give us a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.

The USPS is running several promotions for businesses, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions for 2024. The printing experts at Pel Hughes have the scoop on what you need to know to enjoy significant savings from the USPS for this year’s direct mail campaigns.

2024 USPS Promotions You Need to Know About

Reply Mail IMbA 

The Reply Mail IMbA promotion encourages organizations, businesses, and educational institutions to use Intelligent Mail barcode accounting. Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) is a service for Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) that reduces processing times and provides daily invoices to businesses and organizations. Essentially, IMbA automates the counting, rating, and invoicing of business reply mail.

Discount Amount: 3% for static IMbA and 6% for serialized IMba

Registration Date(s): May 15, 2024

Promotion Period: July 1st –December 31st, 2024

Mail Types Eligible: First-class mail, QBRM postcards and letters, High volume QRBM postcards and letters

Retargeting Mail 

Direct mail retargeting is a popular and effective new tool that can greatly increase response rates to mail campaigns. The pros at Pel Hughes have offered retargeting services for quite some time and fortunately, the USPS will reward businesses with sizeable discounts for embracing this cutting-edge technology.

Retargeting utilizes ultra-secure software that triggers automated direct mail sent to internet users who interact with your brand, its products, or services. For example, if a customer places items in a shopping cart on your website but doesn’t complete their purchase, a mail piece can be generated to send them targeted mail to incentivize a purchase. Common tactics involve using BOGO offers or coupon codes to entice customers to do business with your brand.

Discount Amount: 6%

Registration Date(s): July 15, 2024

Promotion Period: September 1st – November 30th, 2024

Mail Types: Postcards, First-Class Mail

Emerging and Advanced Technology Promotion 

Direct mail continues to be an effective marketing tool—particularly when direct mail campaigns utilize digital-friendly and sensory technology. For this promotion, businesses and organizations are eligible for discounts when they implement technology such as video in print (ViP), enhanced augmented or virtual reality, voice assistant integration, and near field communication (NFC) technology. Developing direct mail campaigns that embrace technology drives engagement, boosts your ROI, and helps foster digital connections to consumers.

Discount Amount: 3% for emerging technology and 4% for enhanced emerging technology

Registration Date & Promotion Period: Custom Date

Mail Types: First-class presort and automation; discounts are also available for Business Reply Mail and Courtesy Reply Mail

Informed Delivery Promotion 

Informed Delivery (ID) is wildly popular among consumers and businesses/organizations alike. Digital copies of mailers can be uploaded to ID so that consumers can not only preview what’s coming in the mail but interact with it. The digital copies of mailers can include clickable links, custom URLs, QR Codes, and so much more. This year, the USPS’ ID Promotion offers additional discounts when businesses/organizations use the eDoc submitter.

Discount Amount: 4% on mailers and 0.6% for eDoc submitter

Registration Date(s): June 15, 2024

Promotion Period: August 1st – December 31st, 2024

Mail Types: Marketing mail, Non-Profit mail, First-Class automation mail for letters, flats, and postcards

USPS promotions are a great opportunity to improve your direct mail campaigns with emerging technology while enjoying some sizable savings on postage. The friendly experts at Pel Hughes can help you navigate which promotions have the most potential to benefit your bottom line. Our full-service printing company offers a suite of services such as graphic design, campaign automation, database services, and direct mail retargeting to enhance your next print marketing initiative. Give us a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.

Are you thinking of transitioning to direct mail for your business, non-profit organization, or educational institution? According to Forbes, many other news sources, and consumer data, direct mail is in the midst of a revival that most businesses and organizations can capitalize on.  

Direct mail is a wonderful tool for consumer, donor, and student outreach. More large brands and organizations are transitioning to direct mail for their most important communication because it resonates with all demographics, provides a more personal connection to recipients, and produces higher ROIs and engagement than digital advertising alone.  

Tips for Transitioning to Direct Mail 

#1 Consult with a Respected Printing Company 

Marketing budgets may be tight, but it is important to resist the urge to DIY your first direct mail campaign. Producing effective direct mail takes experience as there are many variables that contribute to a well-received campaign including stock selection, graphic design, the marketing copy itself, and several other factors. Online-only printers are often not a great option either. These businesses rely heavily on templates, which may lead to issues with photographs and copy looking sloppy and unprofessional.  

At best, the DIY or online-only approach can be underwhelming and forgettable to consumers. At worst, this approach could turn away customers altogether.  

#2 Start with a Small Campaign 

If you’ve never sent a direct mail campaign before, it’s best to start with a small sample of recipients to test the waters. We recommend sending a small campaign to your most longstanding customers/clients. A campaign that incentivizes a customer to make a purchase with your businesses is a great way to encourage engagement. Promotional offers, BOGO deals, and coupons on popular items are a great way to incentivize recipients. We encourage our clients to use QR codes, digital-only coupons, and PURLs (personalized URLs) to help track your campaign’s ROI. The metrics provided by these tools will make it easier to determine future approaches with upcoming direct mail campaigns.  

#3 Personalize Your Direct Mail 

Consumers crave a personalized experience. Personalization can mean a few things but at the very least, personalized direct mail should be addressed to a recipient by their full name instead of “current resident”, for example. With technology like variable data printing (VDP) personalization is attainable—even for first-time campaigns. 

 Personalization can go a step further, too thanks to technology like database management software and campaign automation. Mailers can be sent to celebrate a valued customer’s birthday or recipients can be divided into specific groups based on their purchase history or consumer data so that your campaigns recommend specific services or products most likely to meet their needs.  

Pel Hughes can make transitioning to direct mail easy and accessible for your business or organization. We offer a suite of services to help make the most of your print campaigns including graphic design, campaign automation, and database management. We also provide cross media marketing and direct mail retargeting to help integrate your print and digital marketing. Call our team today at (504) 486-8646 to learn more.  


Are pop-up blockers, digital unsubscribes, and unopened e-mails affecting your consumer outreach? Fortunately, traditional marketing channels are a solution. You can reach more customers with direct mail. Pel Hughes explains how direct mail can drive engagement without overwhelming your customer base.  

3 Ways You Can Reach More Customers with Direct Mail 

#1 Defeat Digital Fatigue Among Consumers 

You may have noticed an influx of news articles about digital fatigue and consumer overwhelm. You may have also heard buzzwords like “digital clutter”. This a new but clear phenomenon. The concept of people feeling inundated and burdened by the torrent of digital communication they receive is actually changing consumer behavior. Consumers are taking a proactive approach to reducing digital fatigue by unsubscribing from e-mails and social media notifications, dedicating e-mail accounts specifically for brand communication and e-commerce, installing pop-up blockers, and taking a regimented approach to monitoring their screentime.  

Fortuitously, direct mail makes a great workaround for digital fatigue experienced by consumers. Moreover, there exist no pop-up blockers where physical mail pieces are concerned. Direct mail is far more likely to be read by consumers because it is viewed as trustworthy and helpful.  

#2 Harness the Power of an Emerging Trend 

While traditional forms of marketing and advertising waned during the rise of digital communication, there has been a significant revival where direct mail is concerned in the last few years. More brands, non-profits, and educational institutions are turning to direct mail to communicate with their customers, donors, and students. Direct mail resonates across numerous demographic groups, receives higher engagement, and stimulates the senses in ways that digital messaging cannot.  

Harnessing the power of direct mail at this time is smart because you can capitalize on an emerging trend while setting up your company or organization for advanced technology like direct mail retargeting and campaign automation, which makes your print campaigns less labor intensive, more effective, and budget friendly.  

#3 Establish a More Personal Connection with Your Customers 

Simply put, direct mail is more personal. It resonates with people because it reminds them of a time of more authentic communication that wasn’t as overwhelming. Moreover, modern technology makes it possible to print mail to a recipient’s legal name and tailor specific products or services to the needs of specific customers based on their consumer activity and past purchase history. Direct mail is most powerful when it’s helpful to its recipient. Pel Hughes has access to reliable consumer data and database sorting software to help you create campaigns with higher engagement.  

Pel Hughes is a one-stop shop for all your direct mail needs. We offer graphic design, campaign automation, easy online ordering, advanced printing technology and so much more to help you reach more customers with direct mail. Call us today (504) 486-8646 to get started.  

More cause-based organizations are turning to traditional forms of marketing and advertising. One method, non-profit direct mail has showed great promise in increasing donations, connecting with an organization’s supporters, and raising awareness for your organization’s work and impact. In today’s blog, we are going to discuss the Arbor Day Foundation’s success story with direct mail and why this organization chooses this fundraising medium. 

Non-Profit Direct Mail is a Resurging Marketing Method 

Digital clutter is overwhelming and exhausting to consumers. Non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses alike have become acutely aware of digital fatigue among their donors and clients. Digital advertising, while helpful at times, does present serious challenges to organizations.  

Pitfalls of Digital Outreach 

  • Nearly 70% of consumers feel overwhelmed by their e-mail inboxes and social media feeds 
  • Almost 50% of people are nervous about sharing financial information like checking account and credit card numbers online 
  • Most office workers receive over 120 e-mails a day 
  • About 40% of millennials and Gen Z consumers have an e-mail address dedicated exclusively for promotional correspondence and spam  

These figures easily make the case for the need for non-profits to generate more thoughtful messaging beyond the digital world. By focusing on quality direct mail, the Arbor Day Foundation found that they could connect with their donors and volunteers through direct mail better than they could with social media and e-mail marketing.  

Direct Mail: A Traditional Solution in Modern Times  

According to a report from The Modern Marketers, about 50% of consumers prefer direct mail to other forms of outreach from organizations and businesses. Moreover, using direct mail is a great workaround for spam filters and ad blockers. When it comes to non-profit marketing, direct mail wins over donors because it is considered one of their more respectable forms of communication.  

Benefits of Direct Mail for Caused-Based Organizations: 

  • People from all demographics view direct mail as more trustworthy than digital channels 
  • Direct mail campaigns evoke the sense of touch—one of the senses most tied to memory and action 
  • Print can easily be integrated to digital modes of communication through PURLs (personalized URLs) and QR codes 
  • Modern printing techniques and advanced technology can make direct mail campaigns more sophisticated and engaging to consumers 

Pel Hughes is a full-service printing enterprise that works with businesses and non-profits throughout the United States. We specialize in direct mail, offer advanced technology like campaign automation and database services, and provide graphic design. Give our friendly experts a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.  

Creative direct mail drives new business, deepens connections with existing customers/clients, and helps your organization build lasting brand power.  

When we think of direct mail, we commonly think of common angles marketers take to reach consumers. Simple mail pieces may send a condensed menu to a local take-out operation or offer a small coupon to welcome new customers. Creative direct mail, however, can help your business or organization level-up revenue without overwhelming consumers.  

Below are seven solutions to make your next direct mail campaigns more creative and effective.  

7 Strategies for Creative Direct Mail 

#1 Soliciting Donations 

Using direct mail for fundraising is a wonderful avenue for non-profits. In fact, direct mail is seen as one of the most trustworthy forms of advertising among most generations and demographics. When you’re asking for money, it’s wise to use the most reputable medium possible. Another compelling reason to choose direct mail for soliciting donations is because people are overwhelmed by digital media. For instance, billions of e-mails are filtered out of inboxes or moved in bulk to trash folders daily. The bottom line: You’re more likely to connect with a potential donor when you send direct mail.  

#2 Welcoming New Employees or Clients 

Direct mail is a great way to welcome new clients or employees to your organization. Especially useful for onboarding, consider these direct mail campaigns as an easy way to give your recipients a simple-to-use jumping off point. This can involve printing personalized URLs or QR codes on your mail pieces to guide clients or employees to custom landing pages. This strategy is also helpful for providing important contact information such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers.  

#3 Marketing Medical/Dental Treatments & Procedures 

When marketing higher value medical or dental treatments, direct mail campaigns are a great way to educate patients on symptoms, conditions, and treatment options. A great example of these very specific forms of print campaigns are targeting older patients for dentures and dental restorations. Direct mail is a great method for outreach because it provides a sensory experience while building trust with potential patients.  

#4 Inviting Recipients to Events & Conferences 

If you’re in an industry that holds frequent conferences and seminars, using direct mail to fill seats is a helpful tool. Direct mail campaigns can also be used to invite people to digital conferences and webinars. The pros at Pel Hughes recommend including links or QR codes to guide recipients to landing pages where they can learn more about your events and register easily.  

#5 Connecting with People Who Don’t Use Social Media 

More people than you might think are abandoning social media and countless folks are relying on it a lot less for socializing. Likely attributed to feeling overwhelmed by life in the Digital Age as well as some of the more negative effects associated with an online presence, people have grown tired of being so accessible. A great workaround for digital fatigue is a direct mail campaign.  

#6 Targeting Consumers Who Prefer Handmade or Custom Goods 

If you run a business offering custom, artisanal goods, direct mail is likely a great option for promoting your brand. Think bakeries that specialize in custom cakes, artisanal jewelers, and so much more. Direct mail forges authentic connections—particularly when you use advanced consumer data to curate mailing lists of your ideal customers. Pel Hughes has access to respected consumer databases and offers database services to help you maintain high quality mailing lists.  

#7 Announcing a New Product or Service 

Print is an effective avenue for announcing a new product or service to your existing clientele as well as potential new customers. The best way to make effective announcements is to utilize technology that fosters personalized mail like variable data printing with compelling copy highlighting the benefits and features of new offerings.  

If you’re in the market for more creative direct mail, look no further than the friendly experts at Pel Hughes. Our full-service printing company can make print advertising a breeze. We offer graphic design, campaign automation, cross media marketing, and so much more. Give our team a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.