Interactive Direct Mail Ideas to Try in 2024 

Do you want to take your direct mail to the next level? Make your mailers more compelling with interactive direct mail. Adding interactive elements to your campaigns will help increase engagement rates and set your brand apart from your competition. Read on to explore unique interactive direct mail ideas that may help make your campaigns more memorable for your customers.  

Four Interactive Direct Mail Tips 

A Ring Sizer 

From high-end jewelers to retailers catering to people on tighter budgets, adding a ring sizer to your mailers can help increase customer engagement. Ring sizers can easily be printed on card stock.  

This is also helpful for businesses catering to educational institutions and organizations that offer commemorative and members-only rings. A complimentary ring sizer is a must for catalog-based and online orders.  


Today’s consumer appreciates businesses that make an effort to understand their needs. Offering a short quiz in your mailers not only encourages a customer to interact with your brand, but it also helps them feel like they are making informed decisions. A simple “is x product right for you?” style quiz is typically received as honest and helpful by potential customers. 


Almost everyone finds a scratch-off irresistible. This type of interactive direct mail is a wonderful option for local cafes and restaurants, service-based businesses, boutiques, and auto dealerships. Scratch-offs are easy to print and complimentary gifts or discounts provided by scratch-offs improve sales conversion rates.  

Product Samples 

Small samples can easily be included in your interactive direct mail. Whether it’s a packet containing a sample for a skincare product (think: lotion, sunscreen, aftershave, or perfume) or a small swatch of a specific fabric or color for blankets, bedding, or wall paper, providing a complimentary sample conveys that your brand stands behind its product(s), shows dedication to providing a great customer experience, and helps unburden overwhelmed consumers.  

Did you know that sending interactive direct mail could get you a 5% discount with the USPS? It’s true; the USPS provides yearly promotions to businesses who add sensory, tactile, and interactive elements to their direct mail. You can learn more about these promotions, their stipulations, and deadlines by clicking here.  

Pel Hughes is your one-stop-shop for all things direct mail. We offer an array of services to help you develop compelling campaigns that resonate with consumers. In addition to providing state-of-the-art printing and fulfillment, we provide campaign automation, graphic design, database services, and so much more. Pel Hughes serves businesses, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions throughout the United States. Give our team a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.