Direct mail continues to resonate with consumers across most demographics. The trick to producing great direct mail campaigns is to study emerging trends and implement the trends most likely to resonate with customers. For several consecutive years, marketers have found that personalized and digital-friendly direct mail has made great strides in engagement with consumers. As […]

Direct mail marketing is a powerful tool to help expand your brand’s reach and engage with customers. In September, Adweek hosted a conference with executives from the USPS. These executives had several notable insights to share about direct mail and its impact on specific demographic groups. The pros at Pel Hughes have compiled a short […]

Introduction: Prairie View A&M University’s 2023 Homecoming Challenge was a resounding success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of PVAMU alumni and supporters. The campaign not only achieved its fundraising goals but also exemplified the power of community engagement and philanthropy in driving positive change. In this case study, we’ll delve into the key components and […]
