Thought leaders in the graphic design industry have forecasted upcoming digital and print design trends for the next year and beyond. These trend forecasts show a shift away from monochromatic and minimalist designs with an emphasis on designers utilizing AI to produce intriguing color stories, graphics, and emotional connection to art in advertising. Following are […]

It seems every industry is leveraging data these days and print advertising is no different. Data has the power to invigorate commerce, broaden reach to customers, and forge a consistent brand message across various channels. Data driven direct mail helps make your print and digital marketing campaigns more cohesive while ensuring that thoughtful messaging reaches […]

As a full-service printer, Pel Hughes offers book binding and pocket folders to help our clients boost brand identity and legitimacy with their clientele. Book binding and pocket folders are wonderful add-ons that are fully customizable to your organization’s or business’ unique image.   Book Binding at Pel Hughes  In addition to beautiful direct mail and […]
