Entries by PelHughes

How to Move Up on Search Lists

Search lists are the proverbial bread and butter for businesses of all types in today’s modern landscape. Thanks to how easy it is to develop a high quality website for your business, the online marketplace as become more crowded than ever. One of the fastest and most efficient ways to stand out from your competition […]

Increase Consumer Demand To Get Results

You have a great product but meager sales growth as the situation makes you want to pull out your hair in frustration. Why isn’t the product flying off the shelves? How can you bring more people through the store’s doors? Increasing consumer demand allows you get your products to the right customers. Develop the right […]

The Healthy Mix of Print and Online

For years, the major format for advertising centered around print marketing. From billboards to newspapers and magazines, this proved to be the main method of reaching individuals throughout the country. However, as media has evolved and moved more and more towards online, it is now essential for any successful marketing campaign to originate and have […]

Optimizing Your Print and Digital Communications

In the modern marketing world, companies are looking to effectively leverage both digital and print forms of advertising and optimize them to adequately reach new customers and help the business grow. To accomplish these goals, optimizing the communications can go a long way to improving ROI and making sure that each marketing campaign accomplishes what […]

Cross Media Marketing and Your Printing Services

Building your brand as a printing company locally and online is possible with the right marketing campaigns and techniques in place. Understanding how to implement cross media marketing to boost the sales of your printing services is a way to take your business to the next level of success. Launch an Official Website Building an […]

How Print Marketing Has Changed

Marketing is the lifeblood of any successful company. However, the digital revolution has forever changed the way this is done. Print marketing is one area highly affected by the changes brought forward by the digital revolution. Fortunately, a wise marketer can use these changes to his or her advantage. But in today’s modern marketing era, […]

Generating Sales Leads With Direct Mail Marketing

With all the hoopla surrounding online advertising, many businesses abandon other forms of marketing and pump all of their resources into Internet platforms. This is a big mistake. Despite what those online “gurus” say, print marketing isn’t down for the count. A meticulously planned direct mail campaign can generate leads and have new customers kicking […]

Improve A Customer’s Online Experience

To improve your customer’s experience online, consider these three tips. Don’t make them have to hunt you down. Online customers can easily get frustrated and give up and leave if they can’t swiftly find a way to contact you with questions about your products or services. Don’t make them scroll all the way to the […]

Online And Offline Presence Building

It’s a buzzword phrase business folks hear all the time these days – “you need to expand your presence!” Unfortunately, while this action seems to be an agreed upon need in the digital world, not as many people full understand what it means. In reality, expanding a business presence online or off is about developing […]