The Ultimate Marking Battle: Online vs. Offline | Pel Hughes

Marketing can be a funny thing. It’s one of those industries that has been around for centuries, yet the trends current at the time drive its entire purpose. Yes, a similar thing can be said for most industries and professions (e.g., retail, press, sales, etc.). However, marketers must keep abreast not only of changes in […]

Product packaging mistakes to avoid - pel hughes print marketing new orleans la

Packaging says a lot about your product, and about your company. It’s often the opportunity to make a great first impression on your audience; unfortunately, poor product packaging can lead to instant negativity. Whether we’re talking about online advertisements, large highway billboards, or the packaging surrounding products, in today’s culture marketers only have a few […]

5 reasons your direct mail marketing should include postcards - pel hughes print marketing new orleans la

Do you remember the last time you received a postcard in the mail?  These days, postcards don’t come around as often as they used to, but when they do, they usually stand out. According to a study, 43% of people find print marketing to be less intrusive than online advertisements and tend to appreciate receiving […]
