There’s a reason Fortune 500 companies invest big bucks into market research. Understanding consumers’ needs, wants, and habits can help businesses increase their sales, develop new and innovative products, and improve existing offerings. The tried-and-true survey still exists for a reason: it provides reliable and useful data for enterprises in diverse industries.
Here’s four good reasons to consider deploying a survey to boost your customer service and improve your business operations.
Honesty from Existing and Potential Customers
Anonymous surveys solicit more honest answers than an in-person or phone-based conversation. Customers are more likely to provide candid feedback when they can do so without worrying about offending someone. This is especially useful for business owners who interface with their customers on a regular basis and develop friendly relationships. Customers may not express their true feelings about products and services in scenarios like these. Anonymous surveys can give consumers the safe space they need to share their opinions and concerns freely.
Online-Based Surveys Can Be Affordable
While holding market research in a large conference room to test products with curated consumers can be quite expensive, sending surveys to customers after they make a purchase through e-mail is more affordable than you think. E-mail based surveys provide a lot of usable data for pennies on the dollar. Saving money on surveys while receiving troves of useful data can help develop effective advertising campaigns tailored to your customers and their preferences. Data from surveys is great for optimizing future advertising efforts.
Customer Retention
When business owners take the initiative to care about their customers, it makes a good impression. Today’s consumer is savvy and wants to spend his or her dollar with companies who value their customers. Feeling heard and seen goes a long way. Sending easy-to-fill-out surveys after purchases, customer service calls, or once a year to touch base can go a long way in establishing long-term relationships with your customers.
Learn More About Your Customers and Competition
The data from surveys is very useful. Beyond the questions themselves, you can group responses from a number of demographics including age, gender, annual income, level of education, professions, region, and frequency of purchase. This information can help you improve existing products and/or develop new ones that meet the needs of consumers from a variety of backgrounds.
If you haven’t implemented a survey or if it’s been a while since your last one, now’s the perfect time to give one a try.
Although printing is a core aspect of our business at Pel Hughes, our team also provides data processing and list acquisition to help our clients maintain the useful data that helps their businesses thrive. Our clients include casinos, credit unions, and much more. To learn more about how we can help you foster new revenue streams, fill out our contact form by clicking here or call (504) 486-8646.