As a marketer, you may not know that there are many tools and technologies available to help your company execute successful direct mail efforts. Using tools such as variable data printing, personalized URLs, and personalized QR Codes can easily create measurable campaigns. If you are looking to personalize direct mail pieces for your customers, here […]

Mobile marketing has introduced us to a completely new way of promoting products to our audience. If you have not introduced mobile marketing channels to your printed products, now is the time to start! Here are a few tips to help you incorporate QR Codes into your marketing strategy and increase the number of QR […]

Marketers are always trying to utilize new channels, reach their entire audience, and deliver content that people want. However, that’s not always easy to do. To reach those goals and objectives, many companies are striving to deliver integrated marketing solutions. Wikipedia defines integrated marketing communications as “the 70-480 coordination and integration of all marketing communication […]
