Real estate is a competitive business. Using direct mail for real estate marketing is an effective method for inching past the competition. When executed correctly, direct mail can have a compelling effect on building a loyal base of clients and increasing sales. The printing pros at Pel Hughes offer expert assistance with direct mail campaigns […]

Reaching voters can be tough—particularly because local and federal elections in the United States often have low voter turnout. Today’s political candidates need robust campaigns that merge digital outreach with print and in-person canvassing. One great method for reaching voters is through political postcards. A form of direct mail, political postcards can help get your […]

In automotive marketing, direct mail is your friend. Great automotive direct mail campaigns can boost sales, increase traffic to dealerships or service centers, and help your enterprise stay afloat in tougher economic times. If you’ve ever wondered how to make great automotive direct mail campaigns, the friendly printing pros at Pel Hughes have compiled some […]
