Print by the Numbers In the age of ever-increasing digital content, the print industry can seem an outdated and dying industry. However, this perception could not be more wrong. Print industry statistics illustrate that the print industry greatly surpasses the auto-industry in terms of profits and scale; it is a $640 billion business with the auto industry only $432 billion. […]

When using direct mailers to entice consumers to purchase your wares or services, you will want to make sure they are done in a way that is pleasing to the eye. Make sure to use large, bold fonts that are easy to read. Adding a splash of color and some photos on the mailer will […]

Marketing materials, especially for franchised companies with a strong online presence, is important to the branding of your merchandise with your name and logo. An online store for your marketing materials is no longer a convenience for your clients but a necessity and expectation. There are plenty of companies that specialize in such sites to […]
