Yes, content rules. And timing is everything. Oh, and it can make a big difference if you target ME specifically. But in the end, those things are only possible if you have a good great database. If you are looking for ways to build your marketing database, a very practical goal is to increase the […]

“Tactics, Tactics, Tactics…. Everywhere I look, all I see is tactics!” Perhaps you have also felt that same way recently. We hear about tactics across nearly every marketing channel out there. QR Codes. Personalized URLs. Augmented Reality. SMS/Text-Messaging. Mobile Email. Social Media Advertising. Those are just a few of the terms that we hear and […]

We all recognize that companies no longer rely solely on direct mail and print to try to reach their customers and prospects. But as long as it remains an effective channel, businesses will use it. Here are three ways that you can use effective direct mail efforts for your business: Personalization and Segmentation: Data was […]
