There are very few marketers out in the world that will confess to having “enough time”. Marketing departments are typically full of ideas and excitement – but they face the same clock as the rest of the world. Their file cabinet may have marketing strategy documents… their whiteboard full of plans and action items…. and […]

Is it more important to post content frequently or to post content about the right topics? Creating content with targeted keywords and phrases is vital for companies. Below are two important steps to ensure that you can do that successfully. Identifying the Right Keywords The first step in identifying the right keywords involves answering the […]

If you want to re-ignite your marketing efforts, here are 6 tasks that you can do today that will drive results for your business! Review Your Marketing Plan: Does your company have a marketing plan? If so, that’s a good thing. However, if it has simply been filed away since you created it at the […]
