A lot goes into customer service. This is where we foster and nurture relationships, and really go the extra mile to ensure a long-lasting relationship with them. To keep your long-term customer service efforts going strong, here are five tips to use! Communicate – Strong communication skills are vital to a long lasting relationship. You […]

Are you looking to improve the effectiveness of your email marketing program? If so, there are always different things that we can look at — this might include content, delivery rates, Subject Line testing, and more. Along with those items, I wanted to share three trends that may help companies to experience more success in […]

You may create opportunities for more business by developing relationships with customers that only order online. These relationships might enable your business to help the customer with their other needs. Here are 5 ways that you may be able to build greater relationships with your online-only customers: The Order Confirmation E-Mail When someone places an […]

