If you have an online business, online marketing is no doubt very important these days. There are many things that you should keep in mind in order to maximize the effectiveness of your online marketing campaign, and the following are some tips that can help you a great deal. You should make sure to include […]

Many businesses out there are missing out on reaching a large number of potential customers because they believe direct mail marketing is not effective. The truth is direct mail marketing remains a powerful tool to reach new customers. Below are few myths about direct mail marketing debunked.   The Younger Generations Do Not Respond. This […]

The answer to this question is an unequivocal “yes”! In fact, mobile marketing should be a fundamental component of any marketing campaign. According to Global Web Index, “the world’s largest study on the digital consumer”, over 80% of internet users own a smartphone. These users are on the go and are constantly checking text messages, email, and chatting on […]

