Although a print newsletter is antiquated, sending out a newsletter via e-mail is a great way to touch base with your client/customer base. You can embed hyperlinks, video content, photos, and even repurpose blogs from your website into a newsletter. Newsletters can be used to drive promotional sales and donations to social causes, too.

If you haven’t tapped into the power of a newsletter yet, here’s five reasons to motivate you.

#1 Boost Traffic to Your Website 

A good newsletter has plenty of hyperlinks to relevant pages on your website. These links will help guide your customers to your products and services. It will also help them find helpful information about your company and your contact information.

Since companies don’t make conversions without traffic, any tool you have to drive up visits can help your bottom line.

#2 Amplify Your Social Media Following 

In addition to well-placed links, you can embed social media buttons in the header, footer, or side margins of your newsletter that take your clients right to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This is especially useful for when your readers peruse your newsletter from their mobile devices—as they’re typically already logged in to their social media accounts, which makes following your business pages as easy as one click.

#3 Increase Sales  

Effective newsletters have calls to action that entice your readers to purchase a good or service. You can also alert your customers to promotions in your newsletter. In fact, 44% of consumers said that a promotional email led to at least once purchase in a year’s time.

Make sure your newsletter mentions that promotions or sales are time-sensitive and that they should act quickly to take advantage of them. Strong calls to action paired with promotions could provide a noticeable boost in revenue.

#4 Position Yourself as an Expert in Your Industry 

If you already have a website, blog, and social media, you likely know that today’s consumers want to work with experts. Whether you’re a professional house cleaner or an attorney, your marketing efforts should brand you as a local expert in your field. Newsletters are a great way to keep in contact with your customers and clients with helpful and trusted information that only someone like you can deliver.

#5 Share Important Updates Specific to Your Business 

Have you recently expanded your area of service or your operations? Maybe you’ve hired a rockstar employee who can enhance the service or goods you deliver your customers. All of these business developments are perfect content for a quick newsletter. Sharing your successes and efforts with your client base helps you build loyalty and trust with your community.

Developing an awesome newsletter is easier than you think. It also makes great sense to engage with your customers on a monthly basis. If you haven’t tried your hand at newsletters yet, there’s no better time than now to give them a try.

To say that most aspects of our daily lives are “going electronic” is an understatement. In fact, it’s wrong – we’re already there. Creative industries ranging from content marketing to creative design have moved their platforms to electronic formats. However, from time to time we still hear people argue that electronic content will never replace the good old-fashioned ability to pick up a book or magazine and connect with it on a different level.

This may be the case, but in the world of publishing, taking such a narrow view can hurt not only your revenue, but it may also be hurting your clients. Publishers should be thinking beyond the mere simplicity electronic print can bring, and consider what additional benefits consumers can receive through electronic publishing.

In this article we provide an overview of electronic publishing, or e-publishing, and discuss a few of the advantages of e-publishing for both you and your clients. We want to help you to start thinking outside the box, and recognize that e-publishing is here to stay – and that’s a good thing for those that know how it can be leveraged to maximize for readers and publishers.

What is E-Publishing?

On the surface, e-publishing is fairly simple. E-publishing is the electronic means of publishing content to an electronic form. At its most basic level, this includes the digital publication of books, magazines, and other types of literature. Digging a little deeper, it also includes the development of digital catalogs and libraries. This can include publications such as reference and technical publications, as well as encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Taking a step back from more complex publications such as encyclopedias, e-publishing also includes the publication of short stories or other simple collections. Essentially, e-publishing means that any work can be distributed electronically. And this can be extremely valuable for writers ranging from high school story writers to universities and corporations.

Better Reader Experience 

Arguably the greatest advantage of e-publishing is that it provides the reader with a much better way to experience the content they’re digesting. To start, e-publications are convenient for readers. All of their desired reading material can be stored and organized digitally, meaning those shelves and nightstands that are overcrowded with books and magazines can now become a thing of the past.

Additionally, e-publishing affords readers the ability to share content with a wide audience, instantaneously. Students, teachers, corporate training offices, and many others can distribute the same content to peers or employees, and these readers can electronically search for the content they require. And not only can it be shared instantaneously, it can also be done in more secure manner.

Interactive and Current 

In a similar category to creating a better reader experience, e-publishing can provide elements for the reader that hardcopy print simply cannot. For example, e-publishing allows publishers to be more creative with their designs, and even insert components such animation, audio, video clips and hyperlinks. The latter, hyperlinks, can be used both within the material itself, or even take the reader to another document or to relevant content online.

The ease of editability of e-publishing also means that content can always be current and up-to-date. As opposed to hardcopy, electronically editing can be completed with a few strokes of the keyboard, keeping readers current on any changes or updates to material their viewing. Moreover, the notion of electronic editing also means that mistakes can be more easily avoided, and if they are made, easily corrected.


The last advantage that we discuss related to e-publishing is a big one for publishers. By using analytics to track reader behavior, publishers can analyze and better understand how readers are responding to your content. Publishers can track open rates, readership, and clicks by platform and application data. This means that publishers can make data-driven decisions to improve content as well as marketing strategies. This type of data gathering just isn’t possible with hardcopy publishing.

Overall, e-publishing offers a more interactive, current, and overall more dynamic and simple reading experience. It also provides opportunities for publishers to gain further insight into their clients, and transform their organization into a modern mobile enterprise.

As a designer, one of the most important decisions you must make is when to use specific types of color. For years, there have been debates about which color printing method is supreme: process (which uses a variety of four main colors), or spot (also known as Pantone Matching System). 

Admittedly, there can be a lot of confusion when determining whether to use spot colors or process colors, and understanding the difference between the two can be the difference between a good and great final product. This article provides a brief look at some main differences between spot and process colors, and some advice as to why and when to go with each type of color process in your design. 

What are Process Colors and When Should They Be Used?

Process color is a way of mixing inks to create colors during the actual printing process itself. A process color is printed using a combination of the four standard process inks: cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK). Typically, process colors are used in offset printing, and are the more common method of printing. Although the amount of process colors through CMYK may seem endless, process colors actually provide a limited color range. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be used, however. 

In fact, process colors can be excellent for specific printing jobs, especially when the job is small. For example, a print job that requires multi-colored designs and photographs such as full color books, brochures, flyers and postcards would do well to use process colors. Moreover, your printer at home and even most commercial printers go with CMYK to print texts and images. And as the technology that uses CMYK advances, we’re seeing that most magazines and newspapers are printed using process colors.

How Do Spot Colors Compare?

Spot colors are usually created through the Pantone Matching System, or PMS. A Pantone color is a standard color in the PMS that is used as a color reference system in most printing and printing-related industries. Spot colors can vary widely and by utilizing a system such as PMS, spot colors can be consistently reproduced and ensure accurate production of printed or manufactured goods across the globe. 

As noted above, process colors can be fairly limited in their color range as the final colors are merely a combination of CMYK colors. Because spot colors layer an infinite amount of colors, they can provide a much more vibrant and detailed color. In addition to the variety of options, spot colors provide much better consistency from page to page. When printing a solid color with process inks, there may be slight variations in the color balance that can affect the color’s consistency. While spot colors may cost a bit more, they can add a lot to your project making the extra cost well worth it in the end. 

When To Use Spot Color 

Spot colors are best used when colors are outside of the CMYK range or when accuracy is crucial, such as in company logos or color-specific brand elements (think Starbucks green or McDonalds red and yellow). Spot colors should also be used in printing jobs that require printing over a large area because spot color inks can provide more even coverage. Additionally, projects that require special effects such as metallic or florescent colors should use spot colors. Spot colors can add a little something extra to your project. 

There are a variety of things to consider when deciding to use spot or process colors. It’s important to look at each project individually and assess what the correct option is for that specific project. 

Although most of the country has transitioned to a largely digital lifestyle, the “email vs. direct mail” battle continues to thrive in the marketing world. And many are surprised that although there was an upswing in email marketing over a decade ago, there is more than enough recent research to show that direct mail has made a significant comeback. 

For example, direct mail is now tied with social media as the second-most used medium, and has a higher response rate than any digital direct marketing outlet. Additionally, 76% of consumers say they trust direct mail over digital channels when making a purchase. Even large companies are taking notice. Goldman Sachs Group recently invested $25 million dollars to integrate direct mail into email-based marketing automation platforms.

That said, there are still plenty of businesses and organizations that prefer email as the foundation of their marketing strategies. In this article, we point out three of the largest problems faced by email marketing strategies, and how they can be solved by direct mail. 

Problem 1: Unsubscribes

Although most of us love seeing the link to “unsubscribe” at the bottom of an email, this can be devastating to marketers trying to reach a broad audience. The chance that your email message will catch your customer at a time in which they are busy, or maybe just not in the mood to receive another email. When this happens all the customer has to do is unsubscribe from your email system, and they can be lost forever. And it only takes one time. 

If your organization relies on email as its sole form of getting messages to your customer, you are one click away from losing that customer. Direct mail eliminates (or significantly decreases) the possibility that your message will forever be directed into a junk folder. Typically, if you catch your customer on a bad day, the worst they’ll do is toss your mail in the trashcan. You’ll still have tomorrow to reach them. 

Problem 2: Lack of Personalization

Email has become so popular in recent years that it’s nearly impossible to find a company or organization that doesn’t have an email list to which they send consistent updates. One of the main problems with this is that there isn’t much room for creativity or personalization. Each message is put together quickly, and sent to bombard the recipient’s inbox. 

However, even more than just popularity or the ease of use, email and the associated digital technology is sophisticated. When you visit a website, that website can track your IP address, gather information on you, and start sending you email regarding their product. 

Direct mail brings back the personalization that is lost in the standard email blast. Approximately four in ten people look forward to checking their mail every day, and this isn’t by accident. Direct mail adds that personal touch that allows consumers to interact with your message and they don’t see themselves as just another name on an email “bcc”.

Problem 3: Overkill 

Similar to the problems of lack of personalization and the dreaded unsubscribes, email can suffer from a significant overkill to a consumer’s inbox. With the amount of emails that individuals receive on a daily basis, any email that isn’t immediately read is almost guaranteed to wind up in the trash. This is even truer when you consider recent changes to platforms such as Gmail, which may try to assume where a recipient would like an email placed (e.g., the Promotions folder). This overkill almost guarantees that your message will not be seen.  

Direct mail solves this problem in more than one way. First, recipients only receive direct mail once per day. Although they may receive multiple pieces per delivery, they aren’t bombarded with mail throughout the day. Moreover, sending a piece of direct mail, with content, postage, etc. is not as simple as throwing together a standard email draft. It takes more time to create these messages, thus, there aren’t as many sent to assault your consumer. 

Although many marketing teams continue to believe that direct mail is dying, those that see through this false narrative are already in a much better marketing position. By finding a medium that effectively and efficiently utilizes email and direct mail, you will see increased revenue, and more importantly, happier customers.

Marketing can be a funny thing. It’s one of those industries that has been around for centuries, yet the trends current at the time drive its entire purpose. Yes, a similar thing can be said for most industries and professions (e.g., retail, press, sales, etc.). However, marketers must keep abreast not only of changes in the current trends, but also recognize the best way to deliver messages to customers in the wake of these trends. Arguably, the single largest change to the way customers receive marketing messages was through the introduction of online marketing.  

So, how significant was this change, and is there a clear winner as to the best marketing method? Was traditional marketing overtaken by digital marketing when we put down the newspaper and picked up Instagram? In this article we discuss some of the major differences between offline and online marketing, and in the end, try to answer these often-rhetorical questions. 

What is “Offline” Marketing?

Offline, or traditional, marketing is a form of marketing that we have all been exposed to at one point or another. This conventional marketing method is generally meant to reach a semi-targeting audience using a variety of methods. Most of these methods can be broken down into just a few categories, including direct mail, broadcasting, print, and telephone. 

For the most part, these forms of offline marketing are prevalent in our everyday society. We still receive catalogues, see commercials on TV, pick up the Sunday paper, and unfortunately, still get telemarketers calling us throughout the day. Offline marketing has evolved substantially throughout the past decades, and continues to evolve in the way it delivers messages to customers (e.g., SMS instead of telemarketers, or using analytics when initiating direct mail campaigns). 

What is “Online” Marketing?

As with offline marketing, its online counterpart is also something that we have all been exposed to, and likely on a daily basis. Online, or digital, marketing is a strategy that utilizes the internet to deliver its message and solicit the attention of its target audience. Through the use of analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), etc. online marketing can deliver near-instantaneous messages to a more targeted audience. 

Online marketing operates by employing web content, email campaigns, video advertising, and even augmented or virtual reality to drive direct sales or generate sales leads. 

Positives & Negatives of Offline 

Offline marketing is an effective tool, and the means by which businesses utilize offline marketing is preferable to many of its customers. A business that uses high-quality offline marketing material often builds trust faster than its online counterpart. It often offers a tangible object that the customer can physically touch, or in some cases, interact with. 

Furthermore, offline marketing can create a long-lasting impression that cannot be ignored. According to marketing statistics, people remember traditional advertisements better than when they see them online, particularly in print form, such as flyers, brochures and posters.

However, offline marketing doesn’t offer the low cost, long lasting form or effectiveness that is there in online marketing. Although print marketing can be cheap, producing magazines, billboards, and TV advertisements are increasingly expensive. Moreover, it’s difficult to reach a large audience with offline marketing, and when using advertisement space, you can only utilize that space for a limited amount of time. The higher costs, lack of interaction, limited customization options, and poor campaign tracking are large downsides to traditional offline marketing. 

Digital Prominence 

Although online marketing is arguably more familiar to most people, there are still some downfalls to this method. Primarily, effective online marketing typically requires special expertise, it cannot reach customers that are offline, and it’s more difficult to build trust with your audience. 

It’s clear that most businesses are investing heavily in online marketing, however, this can lead to downsides. As everyone is focusing on online messages, they lack the personal touch of a postcard, and don’t offer the thoughtfulness that offline marketing can provide. Also, aside from those who simply do not use technology and therefore cannot be exposed to your digital marketing campaigns, users can also turn off their social media advertisements, or even pay for applications that do not contain ads. 

Nevertheless, we live in a digital world. That means that while online ads make lack a personal aspect, they still dominate our everyday lives. Successful marketing requires a business to connect to potential customers in the best possible way so that there is an actual return on the investment (ROI). The best way to do this is to get out there and gain exposure. The more customers are exposed to your brand, the more familiar they become, eventually leading to close relationships that are developed through trust. Online marketing is the most efficient way to do this. 

For marketers, there are even more benefits to online marketing, and these come in the form of measurability. Marketers can see real-time results of their online marketing campaigns, and measure their ROI. If they determine that they should be going in a different way, they can simply change their target online, then use analytics tools to trace and record whether their ROI is improving or if further changes need to be made. This can take months with offline marketing. 


We’ll leave you with a few statistics to let you be the final judge:

  • More than 80% of customers research online before investing in a product/service
  • 72% of U.S. citizens use social media on a regular basis.
  • 94% of B2B marketers are actively using LinkedIn for marketing.
  • Mobile accounts for over 70% of digital marketing spending.
  • 90% B2B businesses report social media as being the most effective content marketing tactic.

In today’s digital-driven marketing world, printed materials often sound like a superfluous burden on both companies and consumers. However, despite the increasing popularity of online marketing techniques, the brochure plays an important role in a company’s successful marketing structure. 

Brochures are one of the pillars of traditional printed marketing, and a well-designed brochure is one of the most cost-effective mediums to establish your brand, network your firm, and be show off some creativity that is often lost in digital marketing. Below are five reasons why brochures are an essential part of any effective marketing strategy. 



  • High Value 


At the outset, it’s important to recognize that a printed brochure offers the most bang for your buck when it comes to tangible marketing materials. Brochure printing is one of the oldest and established forms of marketing, and a large part of this is due to the simplicity of both construction and production. With the advent of digital printing, companies can quickly develop a simple brochure and have them printed with minimal cost and a quick turnaround time. 

For larger organizations that need to print them in mass, say for a large tradeshow or conference, brochure printing prices decrease if you buy in bulk. Moreover, because brochures have stood the test of time, changes are rarely required once they are printed. This means that you can print numerous copies to save money, and they will hold value for potential customers, loyal clients or business contacts down the road. 



  • Establish Authority 


We all know that digital marketing is on the rise and most organizations can easily and quickly produce ads online. The downside to these digital marketing forms is just that: new enterprises often start with digital and stay there. Companies that use printed sales literature such as a brochure sends the message to consumers that you operate an established business. It shows you are willing to invest in your companies marketing beyond digital, and you are willing to do the same with your clients.   

An important aspect of establishing your authority through brochures to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t skimp on design or printing. Because brochures have the ability to do so much to display your authority in a particular market, it’s crucial to show that you take every part of your enterprise seriously, including brochure printing. 



  • Brand Identity & Personalization 


Similar to establishing authority, printed brochures provide an opportunity to establish your brand identity and personalize your business. While many people view brochures as a lethargic or too-simplistic communication method, it’s likely the case that they are looking at lethargic or boring brochures. A creative and descriptive brochure allows you to showcase your brand to a large audience, and engrain your identity to consumers that are flooded with unimaginative brochures. 

Additionally, printed brochures provide a one-on-one communication with your client that just isn’t possible with digital marketing mediums. Make your brochure eye-catching and thought-provoking, while at the same time approachable. The written material adds a personal touch that we all miss from online marketing, whether we want to admit it or not.  



  • Networking 


Printed brochures are arguably one of the best ways to not only establish your authority, showcase your identity and connect with your audience, they’re also extremely important as a networking tool. Unlike documents, posters or banners, brochures can be printed in bulk and handed out at tradeshows, conferences or even your competitors’ establishments. 

Think of a printed brochure almost like a business card on steroids. A brochure provides information on your business and contact information for potential clients, but it also allows you to provide details on your services and show creativity in the process. They’re larger and stronger, but can still be thrown in a briefcase or backpack for networking events. 



  • Versatile & Tangible


Going back to a comparison with digital mediums, there is only one way to see an online ad – go online. Conversely, printed brochures are very versatile and can be distributed through multiple channels, including direct mail, newspapers, malls, exhibitions, etc. Even if your shop is entirely online, the versatility of a brochure lends itself to effective marketing. Throw one inside your next packaged order or send one to your direct mailing list. 

As we touched on above, brochures also offer the personal touch and convenience of tangibility. According to recent research, 98% of marketers believe that personalization helps advance customer relationships, and 76% of consumers say they trust tangible marketing over digital channels when making a purchase. Additionally, a tangible brochure means that consumers can reference your material at a later time, and the small size and portability mean they can be distributed anywhere. 

Although many companies have jumped on the digital marketing bandwagon and dropped traditional brochure printing altogether, these companies are missing significant opportunities. Leverage the value and versatility of brochure printing to establish authority in your market, develop your brand recognition, and connect with your audience.

Offset printing is one of the first printing techniques that allowed printers to inexpensively produce images and text. Although the process has been refined over the decades, it still remains a viable option for many companies. In this article we discuss the history of offset printing, how it works, and when it may be the best option for your printing needs.  


An Overview of offset printing

The offset printing press was first created in the late 18th century, and used limestone plates to create images by taking advantage of the immiscibility of oil and water. Before this method was introduced, printing was very low-quality, took an extortionate amount of time, and was reserved for the affluent that could afford it. Surprisingly, while offset printing has evolved since then, the basic concepts have not changed. 

Traditional offset printing (and still used today) is actually quite simple. A printed text or image is produced using a combination of etched metal plates and wet ink. A specific plate is created for each color used, then the plate is used to transfer a specific image onto a rubber sheet. This rubber sheet is then rolled onto paper, vinyl or some similar surface, and voila, a printed product.


The Advantages 

High Quality Printing 

The most important advantage when it comes to offset printing is the quality. Unlike other presses, offset printing uses true color schemes such as Pantone colors to produced unparalleled color quality. The printer operator can control the amount of ink that is used for each print, meaning the end-product can provide enough contract within the images themselves. As a result, you get a sharp and crisp image from each print. 


Variety of Materials 

Another advantage of offset printing is that it allows for printing on a variety of surfaces. Because you’re not feeding a piece of paper through a roller as you do with a digital printer, for example, operators can print on virtually any surface that will allow it. You can print on metal, wood, fabric, vinyl, and various types of paper, cardstock and plastic. This ability allows for truly unique products. 


High Value for High Volume

As noted above, offset printing requires individual plates to be created for each color of a print job. Because offset presses require these specific plates made for each print job, it requires an expensive initial investment in order to require the high-quality product offset delivers. However, once plates are made offset presses can produce a high volume of prints with very little additional cost. The higher the volume required, the higher the value received from offset. 


The Drawbacks 


Not the Highest Quality 

Although offset printing offers a higher quality print than that of digital printing, it doesn’t provide the highest quality available. For example, photogravure printing that utilizes a photo-mechanical process with copper plates and light-sensitive gelatin tissue results in very detailed and crisp images. Also, rotogravure, which uses a rotary press, produce superior prints typically found in long runs of magazines or stamps. 


High Cost for Low Volume 

Due to the high setup costs associated with creating and producing plates, offset printing is not a good value for print jobs that require smaller volumes. In addition to the high cost, the plates can take a significant amount of time to develop and use, and for those that need quick turnaround times, digital printing offers a much better value. 


When to Use Offset 

So, what is the main takeaway from all of this? Determining the correct printing method for your project requires an examination of many specifics, including time, budget and the type of material you wish to have your final product printed on. If you’re printing books, newspapers or magazines, offset may be the best way to go. Or if you have a highly unique project requiring printing on special materials, consider offset as your best choice. 

However, if you require a quick print for a few brochures and you don’t need the highest quality, other methods such as digital printing may be better. 

All-in-all, when it comes to quality, high-volume printing, the advantages that come with offset printing outweigh the drawbacks. 

You’re an organization that needs brochures and postcards, or you’re a firm that needs logos and marketing materials. When it comes to having prototypes created and the final product produced, printing is printing, right? Well, not exactly. Knowing the difference between offset and digital printing can save you time, money, and for the environmentally conscious, even reduce your carbon footprint.

Although there are myriad differences in printing techniques and options that professional printing companies should be aware of, companies that use printing (which is virtually all of them) should also be aware of their options in this area. This article discusses the major differences offset and digital printing, as well as advantages of each to help you make the right choice. 


Core Technology Used

The core difference between offset and digital printing lays in the technology used in each respective method: plates and drums. 

The core technology used in offset printing is called a “plate”. A plate is an etched metal surface, and one plate for each color being used needs to be created. Once the specific plate is created, it’s then used to transfer a specific image onto a rubber sheet. This rubber sheet is then rolled onto paper, vinyl or some similar surface. The term “offset” is used because the ink is not transferred to the surface directly. 

Once the initial plate is constructed and set up, the press must be run for a few minutes until the plates are properly inked and the press is running correctly. However, once this warmup is complete and the press running correctly, this method can be very efficient and provides accurate color reproduction with crisp, clean end-products.

In contrast, digital printing utilizes the more modern electrostatic roller – called a “drum”. Similar to offset printing, one drum is used per color printed, and the drum is used to apply toner (or liquid ink for larger digital printers) onto the paper using an electrostatic charge. The toner is then applied to a sheet and fused onto the paper to produce the end-product. This process allows for easy printing of small jobs, and unlike offset presses, require minimal setup. 


Time, Money and Size 

Aside from the core technology behind offset and digital printing, the main differences between the two methods center around the type of print job required. Because of the long setup time that comes with etching and changing plates, offset printing can take longer and cost more. However, for those needing large quantities or larger size prints, offset printing offers superior color representation and sharper prints. 

For example, printing Pantone colors on an offset printer is more precise because they actually use Pantone ink (as opposed to toner). And once the plate is developed for this color scheme, the press can run large quantities without sacrificing quality. Moreover, as offset presses typically run 29” and 40” sheets, larger organizations that can afford print jobs requiring color consistency on large materials, such as banners, will find offset printing worth the extra cost. 

On the other hand, although digital printing may not offer the precise color quality (and the difference in quality can often be undiscernible to the untrained eye), the significantly shorter setup time means a faster turnaround time, at a lower cost. This is especially helpful for those requiring several different printing jobs. Digital printers can also be quickly modified and tailored to fit specific requirements. This just isn’t possible with offset printing which would require multiple plates and time to properly set the ink plates. 

In the end, the difference between offset and digital printing comes down to the size of print job you require, the need for color precision, the desired turnaround time, and budget. At the core of these choices is the technology used in each method. If you need a set of 500 posters using Pantone color that will be the face of your organization at a large trade show, and its in your budget, offset plates are the way to go. However, if you need 100 brochures that still produce high-quality color with a short turnaround time, look to digital.

Conferences and trade shows are an ideal place to market your product, generate leads, develop a business network and drive revenue growth. Being surrounded by industry professionals offers on opportune time to invest in your marketing tactics and showcase your business ventures. 

However, it’s equally important that the connections you make during these events are not lost, and to recognize that your work isn’t over once the event is over. 

Most businesses will send generic follow up emails after a conference, and while an email may suffice, the most successful enterprises go further. Following up with direct mail is an excellent way to go above and beyond the expected communication medium, and show that you care about fostering relationships and have more to offer. 

The importance of using direct mail to follow up with conference leads cannot be understated. Below are a few methods to ensure you make the most of your direct mail follow up’s. 


Build Right List and Set a Schedule 

Although it may be fairly obvious, the first step to any successful direct mail follow up campaign is to build an accurate and comprehensive list of recipients. The best way to do this is to anticipate who will be attending the conference and start there. Usually you can obtain a list of prospective attendees though the host. From there, consider who you may want to connect with and start building your mailing list. 

The next part requires some time management skills. According to a recent study, 57% of organizations say it takes about four days to follow up with leads after an event. If you have a dead start on your mailing list, you can beat over half of your competitors to the punch. 

After building on your initial list and including those that you recently connected with, set a schedule for constructing your message, developing your mailer, and sending it out. By having a pre-set schedule, you can cut down on your follow up time and set your business apart from others whose communication may come days later.  


Broad and Editable Communications

Similar to building the right list and setting a schedule, having a communication that is pre-developed can help ensure that your follow up is sent out quickly, without losing the personal touch. 

Consider these statistics: 

  • 98% of marketers believe that personalization helps advance customer relationships.
  • In 2019, 72% of consumers engaged only with marketing messages that provided a customized message that matched their specific interest. 
  • Direct mail pulls a higher response rate than any digital medium.


One of the main benefits of direct mail follow up’s is also one that most organizations miss: personalization. A generic follow up email will not garner much (if any) attention, and the probability of losing a valued connection or consumer will be lost. Direct mail provides an opportunity to create a message that is personalized and shows your interest in the recipient. 

In striking the delicate balance of creating a message that is both personal and not time consuming is tough, however. The best way to do this is to create a message that is broad enough to reach a large audience, but can be easily tailored to an individual before it’s sent out. Remind them of the conference name, your contact information, and add any details about what they need or were interested in. Once you add this personal touch, it can be sent out quickly without sacrificing personalization. 


Call to Action 

The most effective direct mail campaigns include a call to action on behalf of the recipient. A call that is straightforward, not too intrusive, and provides a simple way for them to interact with you is ideal. For example, a call to action asking that a consumer make an immediate purchase is likely too aggressive. However, proving a QR code with a discount or asking them to follow you on social media works well. 

Direct mail is one of the most effective methods for following up after a conference or trade show. It provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate the value of your business, but also offer a personal touch that allows you to connect with your audience. Avoid generic email follow up messages and don’t miss the advantages that direct mail offers. 

We’re so proud to have worked on this project for Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. This beautiful book has been the hard work of the entire team at LEH and their partners. For you print nerds, here are the paper specifications:

End Sheets – 80# Starbrite Opaque Cover
Text – 100# Endurance Silk Text
Cover – 100# Endurance Gloss Text
Dust Jacket – 100# Endurance Gloss Text