Retail Signage: Tips and Tricks 

Retail signage—whether outdoor or indoor—can enhance your customers’ experiences. Poorly-executed signage can be confusing at best and off-putting at worst. When it comes to signage, it’s important to consider a number of factors. Is the font easy to read? Is the copy concise and understandable? Will signs be in plain view so that most people can read them at eye level? Retail signage has a direct effect on sales and customer experience. If you’re looking to develop effective and compelling signage for your retail business, consider the following tips from the printing pros at Pel Hughes.

Know that Font Selection Matters

You might be tempted to use unique fonts because you might think it conveys individualism and personality. Unfortunately, lesser-used fonts can have a negative effect on consumers. Cursive-like fonts and even some italicized typefaces can be difficult to read. While it’s a wise idea to have a unique brand image, selecting obscure fonts is not the best way to showcase what makes your business special. Stick to common, easy-to-read fonts that are large enough for most people to read. 

Keep it Concise 

Signage is not the place to be verbose. In fact, all signage should be as concise as possible. Retail signage should make your customers’ shopping experience more pleasant. Confusing phrasing and using too many words can have a dizzying effect on your patrons. Keep things as simple and informative as possible.

Understand the Importance of Signage Location

Retail signage placement matters. Is your outdoor sign easy to read for those passing by in a vehicle? Will your indoor signage meet most of your patrons at eye level? If consumers are craning their necks upward to read signs that are placed too high, you could lose a great opportunity to inform. Before committing to a location for your signs, be sure to test them out from a variety of angles. If you’re placing signs in your storefront’s window, is it readable from the outside when the sun is most direct? Are indoor signs readable from a distance? These questions can help you determine the perfect location, font size, and typeface selection for optimal results. 

Avoid Being too Cheeky or Sarcastic

Quirky signage can be fun for your patrons but going over the top with sarcasm or puns can also be off-putting. Injecting humor into your retail signage is an artform. When testing the waters of humor, bear in mind that word choice that could alienate or offend could cause serious harm to your business’ reputation. If there’s any doubt on whether your signage could ruffle feathers, be sure to err on the side of caution. 

Choose the Right Colors

The colors used for your signage should be cohesive with other brand images like logos, shopping bags, and catalogues. High contrasting colors like white and black, for example, can make your sign easier to read. 

Keep in mind that colors convey different psychological states. For example, green is often associated with health and environmental consciousness. This is why many wellness brands and high-end grocery stores use various shades of green in their brand imagery. Understanding how color affects our perception is important for selecting colors that align with your brand’s offerings. 

If you’re in need of signage for your store or restaurant, we encourage you to work with a graphic designer. Design professionals can help you select the typeface, font size, and colors that will align with your brand and resonate with your customers. Pel Hughes offers in-house graphic design, full-service printing, and a host of other services to help your business thrive. Give our team a call at (504) 486-8646 to request a quote.