4 Benefits of Business Cards 


Business cards are timeless marketing, branding, and networking tools—even in the Digital Age. If you’re wondering whether there are benefits of business cards or whether it’s worth your time to have them printed, read on to learn more about their advantages.  

Four Great Benefits of Business Cards 

#1 Business Cards Help Build Your Brand Image 

Business cards make for a great introduction to your brand when you first interact with a potential customer or meet people at conventions or trade shows. While business cards are a vital tool for branding, not all cards are created equal. It is important to work with a professional graphic designer and printer to develop a business card that stands out and represents your brand’s image without sacrificing professionalism.  

#2 A Business Card Lends Legitimacy to Your Business and Professionalism 

Some people may feel like their business or line of work doesn’t warrant the need for a business card. Unfortunately, this mindset could do damage to your potential sales and networking opportunities. Whether you’re a freelance copyeditor, a professional housecleaner, or manage a large brick-and-mortar store, a business card is a worthwhile investment in yourself and your enterprise. Business cards convey seriousness, professionalism, and a genuine desire to connect with others.  

#3 Relationship Building is Easier with Business Cards 

One of the best benefits of business cards is the psychological signal they send to their recipients. Handing a person your business card sends a strong message; you are intentionally expressing your desire to reconnect in the future. Furthermore, since your contact information is laid out, it makes reconnecting at a later date easier.  

#4 Business Cards Can Connect Your Online Presence with Your Physical One 

Today’s technology makes it easy to modernize a business card to make connecting digitally a seamless process. Not only can your e-mail address and a URL be printed on a business card, you can also add a QR code. A QR code can send recipients to your LinkedIn profile, a digital portfolio, or an introductory video.  

Reap the Benefits of Business Cards by Working with a Professional Printer 

Although a business card seems like a simple and straightforward piece of print, a DIY approach can be treacherous. It’s important to work with professional graphic designers and printers to ensure that your business card gives a positive first impression. Professional input will help you select the best stock, graphics, color schemes, and fonts that accurately represent your brand identity. There are also a number of striking embellishments such as raised varnish and spot UV that can help make your card stand out from the crowd.  

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise serving businesses, educational institutions, and non-profits throughout the United States. In addition to business cards, we provide direct mail, database services, graphic design, signage, and promotional apparel. Call us today at (504) 486-8646 or request a quote online.