When should a company logo be updated? 


A company logo can be an iconic, recognizable image. Some logos have such a powerful effect on us that we can instantly recognize their elements, color, and font from afar.

Your company’s logo is important. It will be seen on your business cards, website, social media accounts, and even your packaging. It might seem like changing your logo is sacrosanct but that notion couldn’t be further from the truth. If you look at the history of some of the most popular logos of all time, you can see their evolution. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Ford, Disney, Google and Chevrolet have had numerous incarnations of logos to stay on target with the aesthetics and trends of their time. Updating your logo is a fine balance of paying homage to your past while maintaining a pleasing aesthetic for the consumers of today. 

If you’re wondering if it’s time to give your company logo a facelift, consider the following tips from the experts at Pel Hughes.

You’ve Had Your Current Company Logo for Years

Like fashion and home décor, logos will eventually look dated. For instance, your logo may have been developed ten or twenty years ago. If it contains italicized fonts, gradients, or once-popular fonts that have fallen out of favor, your logo could look antiquated to the general public. More than likely, your logo was inspired by the trends of the time and if it’s been quite a few years, your enterprise’s logo could benefit from a makeover. 

Your Logo Has Too Much Detail

If your logo has many elements, including graphics, gradients, shading, and busy fonts, there’s a good chance that your logo may not look the best in digital formats. Some complex and detailed logos can look appealing on paper but when they’re transferred to social media pages and websites, they are nearly indecipherable. Fortunately, adopting a more minimalist aesthetic can ensure that your company logo translates beautifully across all mediums. The fact that minimalism is very appealing to modern consumers makes stripping away complexity and intricate detail even more beneficial. 

Your Company Has Grown

When your company expands its markets or its offerings, it’s a good time to evaluate your brand’s image. Sometimes, a logo can limit the perception of your brand when a company scales up—especially if that brand is selling consumer goods or services. 

Let’s say you run a boutique. When your business first opened, you primarily sold shoes so your logo incorporated a silhouette of a high heel. As your customer base grew, you expanded your offerings to include coats, pants, shirts, and dresses. Your existing logo depicting a specific product will limit how customers perceive your brand. This example illustrates the need to reevaluate the usefulness of your logo and other brand imaging as your business evolves. 

If the aforementioned scenarios apply to your business, now is a great time to meet with a graphic designer and other marketing creatives. Enlisting the help of professionals can ensure a more productive transition in revitalizing your brand’s image. If you’ve never worked with a graphic designer, check out our blog post “How to Communicate with a Graphic Designer” to help get you started. 

Pel Hughes is a woman-owned enterprise that offers graphic design servicesin-house printing and fulfillment, and impeccable client service. We help businesses throughout the United States take their cross-media marketing to the next level. Call our office at (504) 486-8646 to speak with one of our experts.