Three Tips for Keeping an Active Blog
In today’s digital age, a company’s blog could easily become one of its most successful marketing tools. The next time you are out somewhere in public take a look around you. How many people are passing time waiting in line, taking a walk, or simply sitting down with their noses and fingers buried in their cell phones or mobile devices? These people could be consumers researching a product or service they are interested in buying. Wouldn’t it be great if they were researching your product or service in their spare time?
What steps can you take to be sure your company’s blog stays active and helps you market your products or services?
Schedule it: Marketing your company’s products or services has the ability to make or break your business. Blogging is a great way to get word of mouth about your products or services out there. Make your blog a priority every single day. Every aspect of your business can be an inspiration, from new products or services to money saving tips. Keep your customers informed and intrigued.
Maintain a Fresh Collection of Topic Ideas: Here is where being in touch with your customer’s needs can put you light years ahead of your competition. Your customer service representatives are your best to start. Find out what questions and concerns are most popular with your customers. Consider picking a few items and expand them on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Monitoring similiar businesses is important too. Considering reading other industry blogs or setting up Google Alerts to help you keep up with new industry trends.
Consider Hiring a Writer: Writing is not something that comes easy to everyone. Yes, it is very important to be informative, but you also need to keep your audience’s attention. If you find that you cannot keep people informed, yet entertained, perhaps it is time to consider hiring a professional writer. An informative and professional looking website or blog can ensure repeat visitors, and perhaps even repeat customers.