Marketing Automation and What It Can Do For You

It is more important than ever before to make your business competitive in any and every way possible. One of the best ways to increase the competitiveness of your company is through cost-effective marketing strategies. One area that has been gaining significant popularity in recent years is “Marketing Automation”.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is a blanket term used to describe software and processes that increase the amount of useful data companies have on customers and prospective customers. As the name would suggest, marketing automation is best utilized for processing large swaths of information while identifying data (such as potential customers or specific buying habits) that should be reviewed and analyzed by an actual person. Marketing automation is most commonly used in the sales process as a way to find, sort, and follow up on leads. It is also commonly used to in conjunction with social media platforms to find relevant data, trends, and statistics.

How can I use Marketing Automation in my Business?

There are several marketing automation software companies currently offering solutions to a wide range of companies, from small startups to huge conglomerates. At its core, marketing automation software should help identify which sales leads are most worthy of follow up by a company, and should provide a way to automatically remind those responsible for sales calls when to make such calls, as well as what information to bring with them to the call itself.

Marketing automation software should also integrate into a company’s existing social media platforms. Whether a company uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or any of the other smaller platforms, marketing automation software should be able to take data analytics from those platforms and condense it into a report that a company can use to make decisions about its marketing strategy.