Keeping a Strong Relationship With Your Clients and Prospects Using Social Media

The power of social media can affect your business in a dramatic way. Getting it correct, however, can be a challenge. Generally, the fundamentals of good business communications apply to social media as well. So here are four points to help build a solid foundation and grow a better relationship with your customers.

Listen Closely

Read more and talk less. People have a tendency to open up on social media. They’ll tell you plenty and appreciate that you took the time to listen. You’ll get candid feedback-and-insight into what’s important, and what’s not, in the relationship.

Post Quality

Be careful what you post. No post is better than a bad post. Remember, these are people you want to do business with. In their minds, the quality of what you put out there represents the quality of how you do business. Also, if you publish interesting content, your followers may share it with their followers.

Be Consistent

One of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients and prospects is to be there on a regular basis. Don’t post and disappear. Consistently publish content and participate in conversations. Have a daily routine to check and update your social media. This will send your contacts a message that you value their conversation.

Promote Others

Promote others and they’ll promote you. Spend some time sharing and talking about content published by your followers. There’s a good chance they will do the same for you.

So remember, while the medium may be different, the same rules apply to social media as they do to any other form of good communication.