Graphic Design: The Bread and Butter of Successful Marketing

Graphic Design_ The Bread and Butter of Successful Marketing - Pel Hughes print marketing new orleans

The ability of the human brain to retain visual information is quite astounding. And it makes sense when you think about it. Humans have always relied on their visual senses to apprehend major threats, food supplies and reproductive opportunities. If a human hears a piece of information, three days later they’ll remember 10% of it. If a graphic is added in, they’ll remember 65%.

Even with these numbers, it shouldn’t come as a shock that people process information better when there is an image involved. Graphics can be colorful with different shapes, sizes and forms. They’re eye-catching and can present an entire message in one glance.

When you consider the ability of the human brain to retain visual information combined with the large amount of material presented to us in the digital world, it becomes clear why graphic design really is the backbone of a successful marketing campaign. However, it may be even more important than you realize. Below are a few examples to illustrate this point.



Persuasion is an art. It’s the art of getting others to see things as you see them. One of the best and quickest ways to persuade consumers is with graphic images. It can only take a few seconds for someone to look at an image or logo and be persuaded to seek further information on a product or even make a purchase.

A picture by itself is not necessarily persuasive. However, with the right creativity you can change the way your audience interacts with the image and magnify its effects. You can quickly amplify your message and motivate the receiver to act in a certain way.



As touched on above, graphics can be an extremely quick and efficient way to communicate a large amount of information. By utilizing graphic designs in the best possible way, you can promote your business objectives and/or brand with the glance of an eye. Marketers must be careful, however.

The last thing any company wants is for their consumers to be confused by what they are looking at, and consequently, what your business is about. A lack of proper design decision making can result in companies failing to achieve their marketing goals. If you know your company and can convey its message through a graphic, you can reach a wide audience in the blink of an eye.



Every big name company has a brand logo we can all identify with. Think McDonalds or Starbucks or Nike. The list goes on. A well-crafted graphic can instantly make your company recognizable, and that recognition will stay with your audience (see the first paragraph of this article).

Most successful companies entire brand image start off with a great logo, then expand to other areas of the marketing process. A successful graphic design will work to target your audience in a way that is attractive, functional and professional. This will get your brand recognized.



First impressions are everything. And while creativity is a significant factor in creating graphic designs, marketing teams must also keep them professional. Graphic designs play a significant role in the decision make process of a consumer. You want your designs to not only be recognizable and consistent, but they should also build a sense of trust with your audience. The best graphics can help your business show their value as well as the high level of professionalism that their consumers can expect.

Humans are visual mammals, and as such, they interact much more efficiently and profoundly with graphic images versus text. By creating well-executed graphic designs, you can persuade your audience in an effective, recognizable and professional manner.