Build an Effective and Long-lasting Real Estate Direct Mail Strategy
Although it may go against the current notions that digital is taking over, the fact remains that direct mail is still one of the most effective methods of reaching your customer. In fact, the response rate of direct mail is approximately nine times greater than that of email, paid searches, or social media.
A strong direct mail marketing campaign can be one of the most useful ways to reach consumers and increase brand awareness in the business world. And this is no different in the real estate industry.
An effective and long-lasting real estate direct mail strategy can be one of the best ways to advertise property, develop professional relationships, and ensure your name is always front and center in the market. Whether you’re buying or selling real estate, the value of direct mail should not be overestimated. This article provides a few of the most important aspects to consider when developing your strategy.
Know Your Message and Your Audience
Arguably the most important part of establishing an effective direct mail campaign is having an accurate and up-to-date mailing list. Not only will you ensure that you are reaching all of your intended recipients, you will also minimize postage and related costs by not sending parcels to non-existent addresses or to customers that have moved.
However, you can’t develop a systematic mailing list without first knowing to whom you are going to send mail.
The best way to begin this process is by asking a few questions to determine your intended message: Are you targeting home buyers or home sellers? Is your desired result to get leads or to build brand awareness?
Once you have a firm grasp on your audience and your message, you can update your mailing list to prospective buyers or sellers that will drive your end-goal. Without this understanding, your direct mail campaign essentially fails before it even begins.
Timing is Key
As most realtors and investors know, the real estate market is a timing game. While timing is important for most direct mail campaigns, it is even more critical for those in the real estate industry. Often, timing can be predictable, such as the best time of year to sell a house. However, timing can also be based on factors outside our power: divorce, death, cancelled listings, etc.
From a direct mail marketing perspective, this means that you must be aware of the real estate market in your area and get your message out as quickly (and correctly) as possible. In addition to following the seasons, (i.e., the best time to sell a house is in the spring, while the best time to buy is in the winter) keep an eye out for changes in the real estate market that might not be as evident.
Make the Message Stick
Direct mail marketing is still one of the most effective tools in the industry. Although many marketers refuse to believe this and choose to stay in the digital realm, most do not. This means that in order for your message to stand out and not get thrown away with the cable bill, you need to connect with your audience and give them the information they need.
Consistency is usually the key here. If you have a logo, be sure to include it in your mailing. If you have a theme or particular set of colors that represent your brand, use them consistently throughout all of your correspondence. You want the reader to know who the sender is before they even read a word.
Once they know what to expect, provide information that really drives the point home. Consider including a personal photo or other graphic that the reader can recognize. Also, make sure to keep your mail topical so your audience doesn’t feel like they are just receiving another piece of spam.
If you can help your audience quickly identify whom the message is coming from, but not allow them to instantly predict what the message says, you’ve reached a happy medium that a satisfied customer is sure to appreciate.
Contact Pel Hughes if you’d like to discuss your direct mail campaign.