Benefits of Personalized Marketing Campaigns

You’ve seen the benefits of personalized marketing campaigns in the tailored ads that frequent your sidebar on social media sites. A better example might be on sites such as Amazon, where book recommendations are made according to your recent purchases. These tailored ads have a much higher probability of catching your interest than a list of every product that’s available. But how can personalized marketing campaigns benefit the smaller business?

Mass mailed (or mass emailed) advertisements are widely ignored. We all get junk mail obviously sent to every household on the block. You might give it a cursory glance and if it happens to land in your mailbox at just the right time, when you happen to be looking for that exact product, it might actually work. Otherwise, those flyers and postcards are tossed in the garbage. The emails addressed to “Dear Customer” are quickly deleted.

The simple act of utilizing a person’s name can have a direct impact on how much attention they pay to your mailing. When you open an email that’s addressed to you, you automatically start to read the material with a feeling of familiarity. You know there are programs that can input that information into mass emails, but you still give the sender the benefit of the doubt until it starts reading like a sales pitch. The opposite happens when the email is either not addressed or addressed in a generic way – you start reading with an eye to delete it.

If you can personalize your marketing materials more, mentioning their company or some specific thing you offer that they would be interested in, you have a better chance of reaching that audience – long enough for them to at least register your name.