Marketing To The Non-Internet Crowd

It may seem odd — bizarre, to even think that there are still people out there who have little or no use for the Internet. In an age when two out of three people own a smart phone and the average person uses three social media networks, there’s still a huge chunk of the population (fifteen percent, or nearly fifty million people) who disconnect themselves from the Internet by choice. How can your company market to these customers?

The Printed Word

Much of the reason that people wall themselves off from the e-world comes down to a preference for physical rather than digital content. Just as some people prefer to hold a paper book than a Kindle, so too do others prefer to use snail mail rather than email in order to gain a sense of connection. Printed mail helps companies to connect with these customers by delivering information or promotions directly to their doorstep. Although Daily Tech reports that 20% of Americans have no Internet access, every American has access to a postal route. Creating a direct mail marketing campaign allows you to ensure that your brand and listed products end up in the customer’s hand, which is more than any email marketing campaign can promise.

Offline Customers

It’s not just the Americans who prefer not to use the Internet who benefit from mailing campaigns. The Seattle Times reports that coupons are the newest hot commodity in the retail game, with consumers going out of their way to track down deals and even watching television shows based on cost cutting. Offering deals by mail puts your marketing in the driver’s seat by giving the customer a sense of positive energy that digital marketing could never achieve. Ask yourself: when was the last time you felt as positive about a pop-up ad as you did a set of coupons by mail?