Why Print Marketers Need To Think Differently

In the glory days of print marketing, advertisers could produce just about anything they wanted and it would attract the desired attention. From listings in newspapers to colorful spots in magazines, some quality artwork and a quick catch phrase often proved all an advertising company needed to prove successful. However, this day is long gone and it has changed drastically over the past decade. Now, the majority of marketing takes place over the Internet as it is easier to target a specific demographic and know exactly what these individuals might want. This does not mean print marketing is dead, but it does mean print marketers have to think differently.

Target Demographic

A print marketer needs to understand now who is more likely to come in contact with their advertisement. If the ad is to appear in a newspaper spread, fewer and fewer young professionals are reading newspapers. This means marketing towards a younger crowd requires more integration with the Internet than ever before. It also means that a print marketing company needs to target specific publications in order to increase the chance of even reaching their younger demographics. Publishing content in smaller newspapers or magazines that target a more focused audience is now more important than spending more money for the major newspaper in the region, as this readership is lower than ever before.


Integrating other forms of marketing with print is essential, not only to reach the target audience but simply for survival. Without this ability to use the Internet, most marketing companies are going to fold due to the lack of revenue. Marketing is now a progressive, ever evolving game mixed with the growth and development of technology. Without integrating this technology into the marketing platform, the company has very little chance of success.